Sunday, September 2, 2007

Moe's Miracle

Moe had been barking at the cat next door all day. When we left for the hospital he was outside and didn't want to come in so we let him stay outside. When we got back, I went to let him in and he was gone. He must have jumped on the gate long and hard enough to jar it. Lucy and I went all over. We asked the neighbor- across the street- he said he saw him like 5 minutes ago but didn't realize it was Moe.

Then we went to where he said he saw him go- next door to the cat. I rang Rose's bell- she didn't see him. Now I have the neighbor out and Rose's son. We combed the neighborhood. Two more neighbors got involved. Then I went behind us to Helayne. Pete her husband hopped in his SUV and joined us. We caught up to each other and he told me he ran into Ray the Fire Chief and asked him if he had seen a dog loose. Ray said he saw a dog on the express part of Sunrise. I told Lucy, "This is it. He's dead if he is up there." She started to cry. Pete said he was going up onto it. We did too. No sign of Moe at all. It was both encouraging and perplexing.

Then we started to think someone maybe picked him up. Tim's father told how their dog was taken from their house - outright stolen (by someone they knew). My arms were getting weak from the stress and I told Lucy I can't drive anymore.

We went back to Helayne's (this must have been an hour later) to see if she heard from Pete. She had not. I told her what Pete told me about Sunrise and she screamed. As we were standing there her nephew came running out and said, "Pete has Moe!!!" I was still so stressed out that I asked, "Is he alive?" He said, "Yeah! He is fine." This is incredible- actually a miracle! God cares about the animals (Jonah 4.11)

Pete arrived with a pretty shake
n up Moe about 3 minutes later. When they opened the door he started licking me very gently. It turns out that some boys were in a Jeep, saw him on the highway, and stopped (God bless these kids) and picked him up. They were at the Plaza where Mulberry Street Pizza is. Just incredible- A Happy Ending.

Thanks Pete and these unknown heroes. I have good neighbors. We are blessed!... very blessed!


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