Early Morning Reflections
Rising before dawn has been a part of my life. I ran track and cross country in High School and rose early to run. My dad had me work with him in Brooklyn years ago and I got up with him while it was still dark. I think it is my blood to get up early. In China and Israel as well as the Dominican Republic I found myself up often before anyone else. It has many advantages. However if you know what they are I don't need to convince you and if you are not a morning person, I'll never sell you on the idea.
One thing I love is the quiet. Quiet times help me reflect. Reflecting makes me thankful. In this time between Memorial Day and the 4th of July we are now in, I am thankful for my country, America. Sweet Land of Liberty! One fifth of the world will not be able to read what I am writing right now because of government blocks on free speech. In 4 hours I'll do something illegal in places outside the US as I lead a Bible Study at the church. As I work in the backyard I am thankful for the dirt we have here- rich soil, growing our own produce- an abundance of food.
In the Memorial Day Parade, behind the Mary G. Clarkson Float we listened to a number of Patriotic songs. One of them touched my soul. This land is my land. This land is your land, from California to the New York Island, From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters. This land was made for you and me! I sang it and it delighted me to hear Emma, my 6 year old granddaughter singing later at the BBQ.
I could go on and on. God bless the USA!
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