Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Evening Reflections

As I unpacked from the trip upstate I found a few lists at the bottom of a small shopping bag. One was a Christmas Shopping List, the other a grocery list both from a few weeks ago.

Isn't it interesting how we live by lists?! "To do" lists lay out a day's work for us. We judge how sucessful a day was by how much of the list we got done. I have often wondered what the LORD thinks of our lists and the way they ruin (oops) run (excuse me- must have been a Freudian Typo) our schedules.

Do Quiet Times make your list? Do you make them as something to do along with a litany of other things? Martin Luther once said, "I have so much to do today I will spend the first two hours in prayer!" Priorities... Jesus had them all right. He had a mission and a vision and He was committed to them. He completed it at age 33. Isn't it interesting that many don't even get started until that age today?

Quieting ourselves is not easy. Important things seldom are. But important things are indespensible. You can drive a car without a hubcap but not without a tire.

May the indespensible things, the eternal things dominate your life.
Then and only then will you achieve balance.


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