Man's Best Friend
Dogs are the best pets. This is not only my opinion. It is my experience. If it is not yours- well that's okay with me. I just have had wonderful times with the dogs that have been part of my life. Moe, to the right here, is no exception. On the contrary he is an exceptional companion. This guy came here when he was 12 weeks old. He was my Father's Day gift in June 2002. He has been a faithful friend. I even have a journal just for him and his antics.
Moe is a character! I noticed the other night that every time Lucy and I sit down to have dinner he cries in the middle of the meal to go out. I had a hunch this was more than a coincidence. So I said to Lucy, "Let me try something." I told Moe to lay down. After we were done with dinner he forgot all about needing to go out and followed me into the family room. He never had to go out- he just wanted the attention.
For all Moe does: watches the house at night and when we are away, keeps our yard squirrel free, and entertains Emma when she comes, he only asks for our love in return. Like most dogs he is so part of the family that he forgets he is a dog often.
Here is to our furry friends who make life even better just by being with us!
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