Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hope For The New Year

From a Message given by my friend Art Alexander here at my church this week...

Things That Never Change

Romans 8.28

We are either operating out of fear or love.

There are over 2,000 different fears or phobias that people have today.

One is fear of change. The loss of a loved one/ the loss of a job/ other changes

How do we handle the stress of change?

1. Everything is moving faster

Progress speeds things up. We know in split second timing what is going on around the world.
King George IV on July 4, 1776 wrote in his diary, "Nothing much happened today" Across the ocean America had won its independence from the country he ruled.

2. Every decision is more complicated because of all the choices we now have.

3. Every value is being challenged.
Patriotism, Family

The author of Future Shock wrote, "When people go through rapid change they need Islands of Stability."

Three Things That Never Change

1- God's Love Never Changes
In Malachi the LORD said, "I the LORD do not change."
Jeremiah tells us that the LORD loves us with an everlasting love.
He never gets tired of you.
He is consistent.
His love is not based on our performance. It is based on His character.
Nothing can separate us from God's love.

2- God's Word Never Changes
Isaiah speaks of this
Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but His Words will never pass away.

3- God's Purposes Never Change
God knows what is going to happen.
How He works out His purpose is mysterious to us
Psalm 33.1

Accept His Love
Believe His Word
Cling to Purposes


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