Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Time Gardeners

A dear friend wrote tonight for advice in beginning a garden. Here is what I wrote:

For a first year garden I would get a rototiller and make sure the ground is broken up well. I would buy seedlings from the nursery (tomatoes, peppers) but I would also plant corn, radishes, squash, beans and cucumbers by seed. I don't use any artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Our gardens - both flowers and vegetables and berry bushes and vines are 100% organic.That is why we use compost.
Miracle Grow is used by non organic gardeners. You should have a fertilizer of sorts. I use horse manure. I make a tea out of it. One part horse manure/ 5 parts water. You can use a plastic garbage can - I use a storage bin. I have already got mine started. Once the plants are established take a little out and pour it around the roots of tomatoes and other plants. Don't get any on the plants themselves. Last year Emma, our oldest grandchild asked me what it was I was pouring on the tomato plants. When I told she blurted out, "I'm not eating any of those tomatoes!"


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