Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

80 years ago this Memorial Day weekend an ice cream man here in the Metro New York Area was selling ice cream out of his truck. His truck got a flat tire. He ended up in the parking lot of a pottery shop. The owner of the shop allowed him to use the electricity from his store so he opened his parked truck for business. For two days he sold the melting ice cream to vacationers driving by until he ran out.

He discovered three things.
1. People loved the soft ice cream.
2. A fixed location worked well.
3. His profits increased due to the increased sales and the lack of wear and tear on his truck.

His name was Athanassios Karvelas, a Greek Immigrant. But you may know him better by his Americanized name "Tom Carvel".

80 years ago this weekend, Carvel Ice Cream had its start (from a flat tire!)

You never know what God may do with humble beginnings!
Think of our own country! We honor those today who fought for our freedoms and paid the ultimate sacrifice while doing it. Let's hold those freedoms close: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as we continue to fight to maintain them.


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