All Cleaned Up
Yesterday I did something I have needed to do for weeks. The need for this became even more apparent when Theresa came over to FAX something and I had to shift the stacks of stuff around so we could operate the machine. My desk was a mess! My friend Frank Willoughby had a sign on his desk in the Nazarene Church Pastor's Study in Jamestown, NY amidst the towering mountains of paper, bulletins and letters read and reread, "A Clean Desk is the Sign of a Sick Mind". I was rivaling Frank's mess... I mean desk!
After Theresa left, I went to work. I cleaned and cleaned. Since Christmas things had been piling up! Yesterday the demolition crew arrived. I filed, threw away and put away. I organized and revamped. When I got done I almost had a high! It looked so good. I remember what color the wood the desk in made out of is now!
I'd like to say it will stay this way but I know better. It is not that I don't want it to remain clean it is just as Brother Hazzard once said, "That ain't the way life is!" For now I am enjoying it, though!
Our hearts are like my desk. Every once in a while we need a clean up. We need to pray, "Create in me a pure heart O God." Its not that we purposely pull things in and mess it up- it is just life. Little offenses can pile up- it is the little foxes that destroy the vines! Other things come in- even needs of others can even fill our hearts so we can't do much of anything- no wonder Jesus insisted on retreats for His followers- He still does.
Spring cleaning is on the hoizon. We'll open windows, let the fresh air in as we sweep the house clean. It is always a proper time to ask the LORD to search our hearts and for us to purify ourselves. If there are stacks of stuff- all the more reason to do it now.
Have a great Wednesday!
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