A Great Show!
The Wonder Years captured the essence of our wonder years. I don't know of a show that reflected the 70's like this show did. Some have attempted to imitate it but it is in league of its own. Four Christmas Episodes were made. They still hold my attention when I watch them.
Maybe it is because there were two boys and a girl like the Arnold's in my family when I grew up. Maybe it was because my dad fought the traffic like Jack Arnold did. Perhaps it because of the wide variety of experiences this family went through, but it is all this and more that made this show a classic for those of us fortunate enough to have grown up on Long Island in the 60's and 70's. They truly were years of wonder for us!
A Post Script- In June 2003 my nephew Chad had just finished his finals. He came and spent a week with me. I turned him onto the Wonder Years. He was hooked. He literally watched the entire series (all 114 shows) in a week's time. Approximately 57 hours of TV viewing (no commercials- I cut them out when I taped this show). He did stop once in while to eat and to go to Shea Stadium to watch the Mets get beat. Kids today! Chad! That was like 10 hours of TV a day! No wonder you like to come to my house!
I wonder if my granddaughter will be interested in the show in 9 years when she is 12. I hope so. I love "reliving" those wonder years whenever I can!
Labels: Kevin Arnold, the 70's, The Wonder Years
This is so weird. I have been trying to think of the name of this show for about two weeks. I asked my daughters if they remembered the name from reruns they might have seen. They didn't have a clue as to what show I was talking about. Lo and behold, I finally get a chance to check out Pastor's blog and there it is. Thanks for sharing Pastor!
Sure Prudy!
They haven't come out with the series on DVD yet but I am sure they will soon. It is a great show.
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