Monday, March 2, 2009

My Spiritual Legacy- A Work In Progress

I began writing this down a few days ago- this is what I have so far...

My Spiritual Legacy

Paul wrote to Timothy, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” ( II Timothy 1.5)

My grandmothers, Ruth Mancini (Grandma) and Rose Biggs (Nana) were women of faith. Nana found Christ in the Volunteers of America Mission in Brooklyn. This was in the 1920's. A young girl in the apartment building where she lived invited her to come to special services. She said she would and the week went by, It was the last night. That young girl came back and said that this was the last night. My grandmother went and that night gave her heart to the LORD. She walked with Jesus until the day God called her home. She had a broad view of the Body of Christ. Grandma’s parents, L.S. and Kate Lawrence were Christians. In fact my great grandfather, Ruth’s father, was a seminary professor. One of Susannah Wesley’s children was Kate’s (Baker) ancestors.

Both of these wonderful ladies were example to me of selfless love for Christ. I remember Jesus and His Church being their passion and their life. They left very little material goods when they went to be the LORD but the spiritual riches they passed on to me are priceless. I remember “catching” my Nana praying and reading her Bible one summer morning. I was leaving early to go fishing with some of the neighborhood boys. She was up and there in the corner of the living room as I opened the door from the stairs she had her Bible open and was spending some quiet moments with Jesus. I can still see that whole scene to this day. The LORD burned it into my memory.

I came to the LORD on November 22, 1963. Two very well known men died that day. One was C.S. Lewis (who interestingly has become one of my favorite writers). The other was President John F. Kennedy. I was home from school sick when the news broke over the TV that the President had been shot. As my mother and I watched in disbelief, I came in contact with death for the first time. I asked my mother where President Kennedy went. She wisely answered that if he knew the LORD as his Savior then he went to be with Jesus. I asked the LORD into my heart that afternoon.

The Word of God has always held a high place in my life. I have sought to follow it for over 45 years now. I have had a Bible of my own since 2nd grade. I still have and occasionally use the Bible I got when was 12 years old. His Word has been a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

I can remember nights as a teenager seeking to memorize it. I would pour over John 14 and work on each verse as I sought to hide it in my heart.

Prayer was always important to me. I grew up in a Christian home complete with what we called the family altar. My mother prayed over us each morning before we left for school. I didn’t know it then but these things were shaping me for my life’s work.

As an infant I was dedicated twice. Once in the Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene in Queens, New York, where my parents we married and served the LORD and later in the Pillar of Fire in Zarephath, New Jersey, where Ruth Mancini was a member.
It was in Zarephath that Arthur K. White lifted me before the LORD and said, “LORD, this child is going to be a minister of the gospel like his grandfather and great grandfather.” (Jeremiah 1.5)

My grandfather, Albert Mancini, died before I was born. My dad used to say that he would have loved us. Albert Mancini turned 8 years old on the boat coming over from Casselizito, Italy to the United States. He came through Ellis Island, the Island of Tears, when he arrived in America. Little did he know that 10 years later he would be out for a walk, hear the singing of a tent meeting and walk in and receive the LORD that night. This was in 1916. Shortly after he enrolled in Bible College. A few years later Rose Biggs would find Christ back here in the east. Around that time Albert Mancini and Ruth Lawrence were married. Soon after they had a baby, Lawrence Albert Mancini, who is my dad. HE was their only child. When I was born in 1956 my parents named me after him Lawrence Albert Mancini, Jr.

My dad and mom are examples of faithful people. My dad is a man of integrity. I never saw him do anything dishonest in my life. They brought their young family to church each week faithfully, even in a snow storm, pulling us on a sled They spoke of the LORD and prayed for us. We were more blessed than we knew at the time- much more.

In May 1969 I went forward during a revival service at the Bellmore Church of the Nazarene with Walter MacPherson speaking. I dedicated my life to the LORD. I can remember David Trauffer praying for me that night and instructing me to read I Thessalonians. I read the whole book that night.

I attended Sunday School each Sunday as well as Sunday Worship Services and Sunday Night Services. When I turned 13 I began to attend the Wednesday night prayer meetings regularly. Here and in our home I was given a solid foundation. I grew up in a small church. I had Sunday School Teachers who taught me God’s Word faithfully. I knew I was loved.

As a teen I sought to be used by God. I joined a group called IMPACT, from the acrostic, Immediate Personal Action for Christ. We sang and witnessed around the Metro NY Area. We were in such places as Norwalk, CT; Clinton, NJ; Sparta, NJ; Yorktown Heights, NY. It was in this group that I would become acquainted with young people who were part of the Brightwaters Church of the Nazarene, which would later be named the Bay Shore Church of the Nazarene. I attended the church while visiting these friends from time to time but never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would come back here as its pastor one day. We never know what the LORD might do!


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