Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grocery Carts and Life

When I was young I worked in a grocery store. In fatc that is how I paid my way through college. I enjoyed that work.

Grocery carts had to be taken in from time to time. This was before, way before the days where now the fellows doing that work have a motorized cart to pull scores of them in a one time.

Early this morning I went to the store. I always look for carts in the parking lot out of force of habit I guess. Picking one that glided effortlessly thoughts came to my mind. Life is like that sometimes. Everything just glides with little effort. Most of the time it is not like that. We meet resistance and bumpy roads and some unexpected things in the way.

Grocery carts can have a wheel that is not aligned and pushing is difficult. They can need oil on the inside of the wheels and it takes a lot of energy when that is so to make one's way through the store.

Prepare for the difficulties and when they come it will be a bit easier. Assume that life will glide along and you'll be disappointed and frustrated when it doesn't.

Still I did enjoy that effortless cart while I had it this morning!


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