Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An Incredible Summer Surprise!

Last evening Lucy and I went golfing with friends. We love the beauty and the casualness (I don't take golfing seriously- if you saw me golf you'd understand) of the 18 hole Par 3 of Robert Moses. Sandwiched in between the Atlantic Ocean and the State Channel, the experience is one where you enjoy yourself and forget about all the stresses of life. Watching deer cross the fairway as you are ready to land the ball on the green (hopefully) is wonderful. All along one is serenaded by the song birds.

We were preparing to go last night. About 5 years ago we went with my brother Mark's children, Stephen, Michal and Marlee. We had a disposable camera and were taking pictures as we went. I remember one group picture. It was a classic! Aunt Lucy and Uncle Larry with their niece and nephews there where so many memories have been and are being made, we were delighted!

When we got back to the car the camera was not in the back pack. We went back to the course and retraced our steps to that last picture. Nothing! What would anyone want with a disposable camera with all the pictures taken? It didn't make sense. We left our name and number at the clubhouse. We went to the lost and found numerous times. We called several times. Finally after a year we gave up. Gone were those precious pictures, the photo memories of a wonderful never to repeated day. Gone was what I hoped to blow up for all of us into 8x10's, gone were the other shots on the camera. Oh well.

Sometimes miracles happen when we least expect it or aren't even looking for one to take place. Last night as Lucy reached down in golf bag to retrieve her glove she felt something strange. She pulled it up and there was the camera! How it got there we have no idea. But there it was.

Life can throw us some disappointments and then a few years later God can reverse them. My life's verse in the Psalms. Psalm 16.6 to be exact- "The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places."

Tomorrow the sun will rise and you never know what the tide may bring in.

P.S. Off to Target later and be watching from the retro from metro!


At June 30, 2010 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Larry hows the seaweed treating you. In case you forgot me its the people from the marina who you spoke to briefly. Email ZVSFH@YAHOO.COM


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