Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away! Just Kidding!

Remember as a kid those rainy days? My first Mets game back in 1966 got rained out. Remember begging Mom to go out only to have her respond, "It hasn't stopped raining yet." I guess for kids today things are different. With all the home entertainment, if it rains, there is always a gazillion things to do. But back in the day, okay way back in the day it wasn't so. There was a show or two on TV and as far as the media that was about it... oh yeah there was a record player and radio- mostly AM back then. Today I-Pods, Satellite Radio, Cable TV, Hulu and all kinds of stuff on line, texting and cell phones and DVDs keep us occupied. But back in the day we were chomping at the bit to get outside. Back then outside was where all of the action took place.

The current rain we have received on Long Island has been welcomed big time! We were in a drought here. This happens often. On our Island we have different weather sometimes than the entire Northeast. We needed the rain. We welcomed the rain. I stood out in it this morning and got soaked. Last night Lucy and I went to visit some folks in the church on foot! We got caught in a shower on the way home. It was wonderful! Singing in the Rain!

Its fun being an adult with a kids heart!


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