Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Christmas Rush

Luke 1.39, (26-45)
2.15-16 (8-18)

We are coming to the end of the Christmas Rush. If you are brave enough to venture to the stores the next 24 hours you have my sympathies. About 15 years ago I took my teenaged daughter to the mall on Christmas Eve. There were cars parked on the grass, traffic barely moving and people rushing everywhere.

But the rush has been going on for weeks. Last year, out in front of Penney's, I found someone's cell phone. I waited for a call to in on it, answered it, and found out who its owner was. Her dad came to the parsonage to retrieve it with a Christmas bag of chocolates for me! 2 years ago I found a wallet in the middle of Higbie Lane in West Islip. A man had gotten gas in his car and left it on the roof. I looked up his name in the phone book. I called and his wife came over with great thanks. Both of these thing occurred because of the Christmas Rush.

News 12 Long Island featured a story last night. They went to the Roosevelt Field Mall and asked shoppers yesterday if they were done with their Christmas Shopping. One after another said no, some had just begun. At the end only one lady sad she was done. The Christmas Rush will go on looks like for today and tomorrow.
E-mails coming this morning from retailers, "There's Still Time To Pick the Perfect Gift."
Used to be by tomorrow night...
Greeting cards have all been sent, the Christmas Rush is through...
But as I heard people can and will shop on line all the way into Christmas Day.

Haste does make waste but sometimes we are moved by the LORD to hurry.

There was some hurrying going on that first Christmas, in the beginning of the first century.
Mary hurried
The Shepherds hurried

Outline of Biblical Usage:
1) haste, with haste
2) earnestness, diligence
a) earnestness in accomplishing, promoting, or striving after anything
b) to give all diligence, interest one's self most earnestly
This hurrying was not haphazard but was coupled with purpose and attention.

1. What They Were Hurrying For
Excitement about the good news
Motivated by love for the LORD/ His Word to them
God was doing something wonderful.
His Story was being made.
Jesus was coming/ had come!
Mary had wonderful news, Elizabeth too. Mary wanted to share it with her. The haste indicates intense desire.
The shepherds went immediately, with no doubt, lost no time.

2. What We Are Hurrying For?
Money, security, fear
To make an impression, martyr role
Not even sure

3. What Are You Passionate About?
What moves you deep within?
What is your deepest desire?
What in the news grabs your heart?
What grabs your heart when you are alone?
What grabs your heart when you are out?

4. What's Your Hurry?
We tend to rush over things that don't matter and drag our feet with things that do.
Martin Luther, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” That aways gets to me!
At the end of this year, it is a good time to look at these things... To make changes

II Peter 3.12

You may say, "We've lost the real meaning of the season." You are right. As a country we have.
"The early Christians did not say in despair, "Look what the world as come to." Rather in delight, "Look What has come to the world!!!" - E. Stanley Jones
We need to do the same.


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