Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Transplant of the Spring

Yesterday I moved several silver dollar seedlings around all around the backyard.

I first spotted these beauties a number of years ago. They were over by the church, growing wild. I dug some up and tried transplanting them. They died shortly after. Finally I consulted an expert gardener. Margot told me to collect the seeds (and even gave me some) and said, "Plant them in the fall where you want to them to come up. They won't bloom the first year but the second year, you'll have beautiful flowers." She was right. These early spring blooms do much to the green that appears before the normal blooms and blossoms appear.

Transplanting is a fact of life in the garden as well as outside it. God transplanted Abraham from the comfort of his home and family to a place where He would show him- ended up being the Promised Land and it was named after Abraham's grandson. Joseph was transplanted from the Promises Land to Egypt and many lives were saved through this whole thing. David was transplanted from the field watching his father Jesse's sheep to the palace. The New Testament is full of transplants. Jesus died on the cross for the greatest transplant- to take us from belonging to hell to a home in heaven by a heart transplant- that from a stony heart to a heart filled with His Spirit.


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