Monday, October 4, 2010

Just When You Think You Have Seen It All

After a nice dinner with my daughter, son-in-law and grand kids I headed home. On the way I stopped at Target to pick up a few things. I was looking for a cart in the parking lot and found one. As I went to get it the cars parked on both sides of it began to backup simultaneously. They were both turning into the cart and by the time I shouted, "Stop!" it had wedged itself under the side view mirror of the one car and was ready to do serious damage to the other car. They heard me and listened. I got in between the cars, gently rescued the cart and pulled ti out of harm's way. Both drivers thanked me as they slowly pulled out. There was a gentleman standing there watching this all take place. I remarked to him, "Can you imagine if I didn't intervene? How would they have explained this one to the insurance companies?" He laughed as we both walked into the store.


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