How I Judge My Yard
A Master of Master Gardener in my neighborhood told me, "I make it a point never to judge someone else's yard. How they garden is their business."
Funny as I am sitting here on the glider with my iPad this morning it hit me. There is always a lot of work back here needing to be done. I don't judge my yard how how pristine it looks. The fact is there is always weeding to be done, there is trimming, etc. that is waiting.
One of the way I judge my yard is how much wildlife I get in it. This place is for the birds! So reads a plaque my daughter gave me several years ago. The birds love it. We have a frog that has been with us for years now. He lives in our pond. This morning a bunny ran through. I am waiting for the box turtle to emerge. Toads love it here.
I figure it this way. These guys were here long before this area was developed for human beings to reside in it. If they are hanging around back here I am doing something right!
Great entry. If the wildlife like it you are doing great, especially where you live! They need all the wild places they can get!
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