Happy Insomnia
It's 4am as I write this. I can't sleep. For most people it is anxiety or fear or even the fact they can't sleep and are trying to that keeps them awake. Sleep has never been a problem for me in that way.
The cause of my insomnia are happy thoughts. My cup overflows. I am loaded with blessings. The more apparent ones right now are these: After a month and a half of being away in China, my darling wife, Lucy, is returning home. She arrives at Kennedy Sunday night. I am so thankful she got to be with her family there. Then Tuesday, Mike, my nephew, arrives for Thanksgiving. The next day his brother, Stephen, comes in from Philly. Marlee, my niece, will make her appearance as well. When we lost their dad, my dear brother, Mark, a number of years ago, they decided they wanted to spend Thanksgiving with the Mancini Family. We are so glad to be with them.
On Thanksgiving Day we will go to my daughter, Tina's. There will be around 30 of us (all family) there. While my grandkids live right here being together on that Day is wonderful.
Because I am a pastor I am preparing to speak two times on Thanksgiving before the day itself. This Sunday Morning and at a special Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday Evening I'll share with the congregation. I have always enjoyed this.
There are many many other blessings which are all around me. I am incredibly rich with friends. I have enjoyed serving in the same church, living in the same house in a place I love for 25 years. New York City and Long Island's beaches (not to mention all the food we enjoy here - bagels and pizza and the Diner to name a few) are where I was born and grew up. I've been all across the country and around the world but this is the place in my heart. What a blessing it so with my three daughters, their husbands and my five grandkids.
Speaking of country, I am thankful for it. It is my country. I love America. I am glad I am a American. I am thankful for the men and women who keep us free and safe. What a blessing to know some of them and pray for them! God bless you who are away from family this Thanksgiving so we at home can enjoy ours. Your sacrifice is not going unnoticed!
Every good and perfect gift comes down from our Father in Heaven. I am so thankful to the LORD Who has blessed me with all these wonderful things and many many more- much too numerous to mention. Let me finish this piece with just one.
One of my dear friends is Rudy Migliore. It was my pleasure to have dinner with him and his beautiful family in their home a few weeks ago. His daughter Stephanie is a few years older than my granddaughter, Emma. She has been passing all kinds of fun stuff onto me that my grandchildren enjoy when they come. Books, toys and videos have transformed the family room into a playroom extraordinair. Last night, my daughter, Tina, called and asked if I wanted to hang out. My schedule permitted me to stop over for a bit. Four of my grandchildren were there. I brought my little bag of books. In it was Dora's Bedtime. The kids had never seen it before. I read it about 5 times. Lili loved it. On the way home I began to think about these gifts that have come from Stephanie and her family. I woke up early this morning, thinking about last evening and days ahead. I couldn't fall back alseep so I started the coffee and began to write. Thanks for letting me do so and for reading the ramblings of one happy insomniac!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
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