Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Nine years ago today something very wonderful happened to me. My first grandchild was born. A week ago, my 8th one came into the world.

Emma made me Poppa. I love being a dad. I am the fun uncle. I really have had a great life. I cherish all the moments of my daughters growing up, even though I know I could have done much better now, particularly in the area of patience. Interesting what life does to us.

I love the memories with my nieces and nephews, but alas they are all grown up now. Emma came at a perfect time. Like my dad, I love being with kids. They do good things for my heart. I noticed recently that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, corrected the Disciples but never had to do either with the children. On the contrary He set them as examples. He still does. I often wonder what the LORD thinks about the overdoses in His Church, the current one being "leadership." But I digress.

Emma is growing up. I thought of that as I held Arianna for the first time last week and when Maddie climbed into my lap to eat her breakfast this morning. I am thankful she still loves to go out to eat with me and that I get to be the assistant coach of her Little League team again this year. But she is growing up. She used to have her birthday cards read to her. This morning she carefully read the one I made for her.

Yet she still is a kid! With the promise of a major snow storm coming tomorrow she and I were already making plans of romping in it.

God has been good to keep kids in my life. He knows I am and always will be a kid at heart!


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