Monday, December 7, 2009

A Dad with the Heart of a Kid Is Wonderful

Think about the songs written about fathers who did not have time for their kids. Harry Chapin's The Cat in Cradle is one that comes immediately to mind.

It was not so with my Dad- still isn't. Next month he will turn 83 years old. 54 years ago he made a purchase in Queens. It was Christmastime. I believe the Grand Union had just given him a bonus. He was on his way home from a long day when he passed a store with the 1956 edition of Lionel Trains. He went in and bought it and brought it home to his 5 month old son, me :-). We set it up around our Christmas Tree each year until we made a place in the basement where it stayed up year round.

This evening Emma, my granddaughter, and I will set it up for its 54th Christmas. I even have the Plasticville Village intact! My heart is full of love for my Dad. Instead of spending his Christmas bonus on himself, on an impulse full of love for his firstborn son, he gave him a gift that has continued to give for over half a century.

Thanks Dad! Merry Christmas!


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