An Afternoon Walk
This blog is built around the theme of my literal backyard but goes beyond the fence and all around the world and into space and eternity which God has placed in the hearts of men.
I'm in Syracuse for a few days. My dad got to come to my nephew's graduation party yesterday. He stayed for the whole afternoon, until he had to return to the rehab. He commented after they brought him back, "I had a nice time."
So went the words of Dr. T. Crichton Mitchell, a professor of mine in Bible College, 30 years ago. Dr. Mitchell was telling us of a sight he had seen earlier in the day. It was a prospective student getting a tour of the campus with his 2 year old daughter sound asleep on his shoulder. He told us as ministers of the Word of God we would need to keep a keen eye for these things the LORD puts in our path which could be jumping off spots for a message or illustration.
One of my heroes is David Kuo. David pastored the Nazarene Church in Taipei, Taiwan for many years. At 60 years of age, when he could have retired he came here to Chinatown, to begin a work among the Chinese. This is a video of his grandchildren singing.
A year ago I interviewed the Coach in his gardens. This video has been viewed nearly 1,000 times since last July. Since the interviews and demonstrations yesterday I thought some of you who are new to the backyard blog would enjoy seeing this.
Today has brought a number of visitors to the backyard. Besides hosting our monthly prayer meeting last night outback, this morning Bob Pawson came by for a quick tour. Then at 9:30, our oil man delivered fuel and walked in and commented, "Wow! What a peaceful garden!" Rudy Migliore just left and as always gave kind comments. My niece Marlee Mancini, Edie Raevis and Sandy Mucci responded to my latest Shutterfly pictures of the yard. Marlee wrote, "i love them uncles!!! they are beyond beauty!!!!" Sandy's second comment was, "Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!What can I say. Such a peaceful yard.I know that you enjoy it AND so do the grandkids." Edie wrote, "Pastor, these pictures should be on greeting cards if not in picture frames. Just Beautiful!"
Yesterday I had two dear persons visit the backyard via Shutterfly. They were