Thursday, April 30, 2009

This Morning Outback

I just came in from a walk in the yard. It was one of those jaunts where a stop was made every few steps. I even staked up a peony, already with buds.

The periwinkle is in full bloom, a single flower has opened on the Azalea and the irises are in bud. Lucy has worked hard and all the seeds have been planted in the vegetable gardens. It is a sight to behold.

The birds were waiting for me this morning. I walked out and didn't bring the seed and they were landing in feeders after I passed by to get food. I went back and and scooped up some mix and they were happy.

The fish have been fed. The water irises and the blue pickering in the pond is up. A fern that my friend John brought down from New Hampshire has emerged again for its third year. It is time. Spring time and I am drinking in all I can!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Tristan!

Our Grandson's First Birthday!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

International Gardening

One of the vegetables in our garden this year... all our seeds are from China.
This one was not translatable.

Monday, April 20, 2009

You Can Always Tell a Gardener...

You can always tell a gardener but you can't tell him very much... True gardeners know this isn't true we are always looking (and giving) for good advice based on our experiences.

You can always tell a gardener when the forecast is what it today: rain, rain and more rain. We welcome it. We know what the lack of rain can do. It makes lots more work for us. It means we have to water. It makes wedding a real chore but let the rain fall and the next 24 hours of weeding is a breeze. The rain loosens up the earth like nothing else.

We would rather have the LORD water the garden than ourselves. He does it so much better. Steady, complete and without all the chemicals we add to our drinking water is the water from heaven. I even collect it and then pour it into my horse manure tea which I already have started out back- in fact this morning I'll take the cover off of the receptacle and let the rain in!

For those of us with ponds or water gardens the rain will top them off and with good water. No chlorine going in today. My fish will be given the liquid from heaven, one of the reasons the pond maintains itself to a large degree. There is such a difference between an outdoor pond and an indoor fish tank when it comes to maintenance.

So let the rains come! We need it! Thanks LORD!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Time Gardeners

A dear friend wrote tonight for advice in beginning a garden. Here is what I wrote:

For a first year garden I would get a rototiller and make sure the ground is broken up well. I would buy seedlings from the nursery (tomatoes, peppers) but I would also plant corn, radishes, squash, beans and cucumbers by seed. I don't use any artificial fertilizers or pesticides. Our gardens - both flowers and vegetables and berry bushes and vines are 100% organic.That is why we use compost.
Miracle Grow is used by non organic gardeners. You should have a fertilizer of sorts. I use horse manure. I make a tea out of it. One part horse manure/ 5 parts water. You can use a plastic garbage can - I use a storage bin. I have already got mine started. Once the plants are established take a little out and pour it around the roots of tomatoes and other plants. Don't get any on the plants themselves. Last year Emma, our oldest grandchild asked me what it was I was pouring on the tomato plants. When I told she blurted out, "I'm not eating any of those tomatoes!"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Number One On Google!

Shucks Folks, I'm speechless!

If you Google "Larry's Backyard" the number one entry is this blog! I am humbled!

It would be a cool way of telling friends about the blog so I thought I would pass this info on to you.

Happy Spring!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

For the Birds

The birds of my backyard get fed each and every day... well sometimes if it is real rainy they don't and of course on the rare occasions when I am away they don't (I have a good neighbor who feeds the too!).

Sometimes I feel like the Dunkin Donut man... well maybe not quite that bad... "Gotta feed the birds..."

Then like this morning, while sipping on that first cup of coffee, after the feeders have been filled, looking out the bay window, I see a male robin, as red as red can be, and then I remember why I am doing this. It is for the birds (and me too!)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nicest Day of the Year!

Spring got into full swing in the backyard today. Lucy came out and put in a good share of the vegetable gardens. She is taking that part of the yard over. I will be doing tomatoes but will really be spending most my time with the birds and blooms and fish. We compliment each other well.

It was a beautiful day. Moe took a few long naps. We got a lot accomplished and even enjoyed some early produce from it today.

Here we grow!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Take a Walk With Me

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Nation's National Anthem

After a weeek of travel this was a great end to a great week. Honoring our troops at a Track Meet honoring our coach covers a lot we have to be thankful for!