Friday, April 22, 2011

A Special Place

I have officiated at many funerals in my 30 plus years as a pastor. I have visited many grave sites. One out of all them stands out to me. It is the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem where Jesus was laid to rest on Good Friday. It was borrowed from Joseph of Arimathea. Someone said it was borrowed because Jesus would only need it for the weekend! The thing that is unique about this grave is that it is uninhabited- It is empty!

On one of my trips to Israel we had a "free" day to do what we wanted. A few of us went to the Garden Tomb. After walking around we sat and watched by the entrance as different groups from all over the world came in, one after another. There were Japanese people, people who spoke Spanish, and even some southern Americans. They came to see the place where their LORD once lay. In those words of the angel on that first Easter Sunday, "He is not here, He is Risen! Come see the place where they laid Him."

That is the Good News!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saints Among Us

When Billy Graham came to Long Island over 20 years ago to hold a crusade, he was questioned by the media concerning the fall of two very well known televangelists which had recently occurred. He responded to several probing inquiries and then made a statement to the press without being asked to. He said, "Last night I looked out of my hotel window here at the Marriott. I watched plane after plane land safely at Kennedy Airport. One after another without any incidence reached the ground with its passengers." He went onto say, "I didn't read anything in the paper about that this morning. But if one of those planes crashed, it would be headlines around the world. You all would be there covering the story instead of interviewing me now." Then he made his point, "Literally thousands upon thousands of pastors go quietly about their work every single day here in the United States with out any fanfare. They visit their people who are sick, pray , listen and encourage souls and are men of integrity. Yet when two well known ones fall you all report it on the front pages. I would love to see you tell of the ones who do their work each day faithfully with little recognition." The past few months we saw two ladies go to heaven who were the wives of faithful pastors of the Bay Shore Church of the Nazarene. Wilma Utter died a few weeks ago and this morning in Boston, Doris Restrick finished her earthly journey. They both served next to their husbands here in this community. Their labor was not in vain. They are among my heroes. Doris and her husband Pastor Bill sacrificed to see this church established here in the Heart of the South Shore of Long Island. She supported him. She loved her the LORD. It is seen in her children. We pray for them today. We remember one of the lessons of her life. Faithfulness will be rewarded in heaven. She heard Jesus say to her this morning at 5am, "Well done good and faithful servant. Welcome home!" Great is her reward in heaven right now. May we follow in her footsteps!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Beautiful Sight

Many people love the finished product of the blooms on the flowering plants. I am among them but I also love to see the breaking forth of the soil in spring, not just by human hands but by God's Hand in His wonder filled creation.

Here is the beginning of the Bleeding Heart Plant which was a gift from Edie Raevis. This plant will put out very unique flowers later this spring. For now it is a wonder to me to see it push through the soil and begin its trek upward. This is happening all over the backyard. It is a beautiful site. Rebirth outback!