Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Difference Between Advent and Christmas

I am borrowing a thought from a devotional given by my friend, Art Alexander, at a Pastor's Gathering Monday Night here on Long island.

Mathew 1.1-25

Many people become depressed at this time of the year. Certainly the weather and the lessening of daylight has something to do with it but not as much as the celebrations which happen which have very little to do with the Birth of the Savior in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago.

There are a number of scriptures which indicate His coming was for those living in darkness, those in gloom or despair.

What happened? Without getting into the details too much it can be summed up in these words. The gaudiness, the excessive spending, the extremes which mark our culture of which Christmas is not exempt conspire to bring down the best of us.

The brokenness of hearts, the brokenness of family, the brokenness of our country all lend a hand into making a time of parties and feasting and shows like an overload of sugar on the body. A fall, a letdown is sure to follow.

I am not Ebenezer Scrooge. In fact I enjoy the celebrations. I also am a realist. I see many who are in pain, deep pain at this time of the year for a wide variety of reasons.

Take a family member being ill, or the loss of a family member by death or divorce and you have the makings of pain during the month of December that is beyond words.

People who are struggling financially find this month very difficult.

The Advent, the coming of Christ, the Birth of Jesus was for the downtrodden. Look at the manger to see the way He came.!

Think about those in the situations described here. Have mercy on them. Do something to help them. Be there for them.

The Christmas Season is here. The Advent of Christ Jesus is too.

Joy to the World!!! The LORD is Come!!! Go Tell It on the Mountains!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Watch out for Falling Leaves!

Most folks throw out the most precious things God provides! I am talking about leaf mulch. For years I have raked the leaves, let the grandkids romp in them and then around Thanksgiving, mulched them up into fine pieces and placed them in the spot shown in the photos.

Once placed there over the winter, nature does its work. These mulched leaves will turn into the best potting soil around! Its free, its organic and it helps them from creating mountains made out of lawn trash in some poor landfill.

We should be taking care of the earth in this way. It doesn't cost anything but the little bit of gas for your mulching mower!

In the spring you will have all the mulch and potting soil you need!

Have a blessed December!