Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The City

I have always loved the city. I was born there, as were my mom and grandparents. There was a time, as the title of a book says, "When Brooklyn Was the World." Of course times have changed. The population has shifted and things are not what they were once were, not completely. But to me and many that come from all over the world to see it, the city has so much. I have been in there several times recently. During the Christmas Season we went to Radio City for the Christmas Spectacular.

I was back in last week. I love just walking around and looking at people and the buildings. The food is like no other place on earth, from the Chinese Stores in Flushing to the pizza all around town, New York rocks!

I love New York City!

All the pictures here were taken by me (except of course the one I am in!) The first picture on this post was taken from the top of the World Trade Center's Twin Tower, approxiamately 14 year prior to 9-11.

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Beach

The Atlantic Ocean, Robert Moses State Park

It is one of those places that I love to go to- the beach. It holds many memories for me. I love the smell of the salt air, the feel of the breeze and the vastness of God's creation. I have successfully passed on my love of the ocean to my daughters, but it was no a great effort. They, like their dad, fell in love with it the first time they saw it. Now my granddaughter has picked up on that some love.
What a privilege to live near the coast!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Good Neighbors

The Knapp boys grew up on the next street. I have known these guys all their lives and am very thankful that they are going to serve their country. It makes me proud to be an American!

Congratulations Billy and Connie (their dad and mom)!

Our prayers are with you Billy as you go to Iraq.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Spring and Easter

40 days from today is Easter. The weather is warming up already.

I love this time of the year too!

The plants Emma and I put in are growing each day!

Easter Sunday 1985

Emma in the Backyard Today
Bring on the Spring!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Couple of Great Shots For Mid Winter

The Coach and Me in his backyard

Lucy and I in our backyard

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Friday, February 16, 2007

High Tech

In so many ways I am a kid at heart. I have always enjoyed the latest inventions. Last night after hooking up the new coffee maker system my dad and mom bought us for Christmas (Notice it is not called a coffee pot anymore and for good reason!) I commented to Lucy that this is the kind of stuff they told us about in the 1964 World's Fair- cordless phones, coffee makers that had little computers in them. I enjoy this stuff- all the way from scanners to the cell phone I carry to the VHS/DVD Recorder I will purchase soon (I like to master one thing at a time befor getting another one that will require extended reading time in a "small" manual). It fascinates me!

However there are so things in life that no matter how great the technology is, they don't change. Take the need we have to love and be loved. Take the beauty of nature year round. Even with all our advances we still grieve over the loss of a loved one. And we still enjoy looking at old pictures like this one from yesterday. After Stu asked me if I had a higher resoluton of one I played around and came up with this one:

Click on the picture for enlargement

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

In the 70's, On Days Like This: We Were Running!

15 degrees with a wind chill near zero
this morning on Long Island at 6:30.
Yes that is ice on the tree outside my window!

Above is a picture of the 1972-73 Mepham High School Winter Track Team (Click on the picture and it will enlarge). A few dedicated (and often called crazy) souls (I was one of them) braved the elements every cold morning and ran 2 to 3 miles before school. Our number wasn't great on those frigid days but our spirits were high. We ran bundled up with gloves, knit caps and long johns under our sweatsuits.
Those mornings were great times of experiencing the lonliness of the long distance runner. We ran to the school, put our backpacks in our lockers and took off. Our coach would occasionally show up in the locker room and take note of who had run.

One of the things I discovered on those early frigid mornings when we would return in from a run with our chin frozen and at the same time sweat running down our backs (yes I sweat year round!) was that the ones who really wanted to excel were out there. Our coach, Paul Limmer, (who now supplies me with Day Lilies!) used to say, "Pile up those miles."

In our spiritual life this is also true.

In I Corinthians 9, Paul, the apostle writes:

24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

It is worth repeating each day! Run in such a way as to get the prize.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Watering the Seeds That Are Planted

Things got a little exciting here yesterday when Emma came over and found out that her work in planting a week ago was paying off. Her first seed had sprouted. Right away she said she wanted to water them. So here she is, taking up Poppa's hobby. She worked until each of the containers were well watered. It is going to be fun following the progress of these seedlings this spring and summer. Emma is finding out more about the joy and satisfaction gardening brings. It is what Adam and Eve did. Her Great Poppa and Great Nanny and Great Great Nanny and Great Great Uncle John were all advid gardeners. Uncle Mike is too.

Watering is work. Planting is easy. Seeing the blooms is sheer pleasure. Watering, weeding, and fertilizing are all work, labors of love, but they are work.
The prophesy in Isaiah 27.6 has come to pass in the past 60 years: In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit. The number one exporter of flowers in the European Market is that little nation which is the land bridge between Africa, Asia and Europe. It has become so because the Sea of Galilee has been tapped into and has watered a great share of the country. Ben Gurion had a vsion of the Negev Desert blooming. They drilled for water there and hit warm water aquifers. They now have turned the desert into a garden. Some aquifers have salt in them and where used produce the sweetest cherry and grape tomatoes on earth. Water has porduced wonders in the Holyland.

Perhaps today you need to drink some cool water for ther soul or you know someone who needs it or you will encounter someone who does. The promise of Jesus is wonderful. It is the last invitation in the Bible: Revelation 22.17
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Long Island winters are always interesting. This one has been no exception. Flowers blooming in January, a deep freeze in February and today a winter storm. On Long Island this generally means snow turning to rain. They are predicting less than an inch before the changeover happens. But of course one never knows what may happen, especially the weatherman. we'll just have to wait and see.

We have had less than a total of an inch of snow all winter. So far I have not had to get my shovel out once. Emma would like some snow. I have to admit the kid in me would like to see some too.

Six hours away from us it is a different story completely. It has made national news for a week. If you want to see some incredible pictures, check out this site:


Tue Feb 13 2007 19:31:25 ET

The Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing scheduled for Wednesday, February 14, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building has been postponed due to inclement weather. The hearing is entitled “Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a Warming of the Planet?”

The hearing will be rescheduled to a date and time to be announced later.


Wednesday: Freezing rain in the morning. Total ice accumulation between one half to three quarters of an inch. Brisk with highs in the mid 30s. North winds 10 to 15 mph...increasing to northwest 20 to 25 mph in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Places of Rest, Refreshment, Renewal and Restoration

En Gedi was one of the places David went to for protection against his enemies. David made it his home in difficult times.
And David went up from there and lived in the strongholds of EnGedi.I Samuel 23.29

En Gedi was a safe haven for David, a stronghold. He hid out from Saul there. But it was more than that. It was a place where his soul was renewed and the where he could be still and know that the LORD his God was with him.

Today it has become a national park and nature preserve. Wild animals wander around. Birds fly in for drinks and baths and all kinds of vegtation grow on its slopes. Unfortunately because of the time restraints a tour has and the terrain being a little challenging, only a passing glance can be made at it as the bus pulls away from the Dead Sea. Yes, it directly across fom the Dead Sea. Across from the Sea that gets its name because it has no plant or marine life is this oasis, this life giving fountain. All kinds of delightful surprises await those fortunate enough to be able to make the climb back into this stronghold.

It remains a place of refreshment today! Young people love to come in the hot summer and stand under it waterfalls.

Like David did they get relief from the heat and take a break from regular activities to pause and enjoy God's wonderful creation. Its aqua colored waterfalls even look inviting next to the dark green foliage of the healthy well irrigated plants.

But there is more., immeasurably more. It was the soul of David that was restored here, not just his body. Among nature, God's creation, quiet and stillness, David found help from the LORD. No wonder his son Solomon speaks of nature in the Proverbs, with lessons from it. I wonder if David ever took young Solomon out here to see the beauty.

Americans are great vacation takers. We enjoy time off, but that is not what En Gedi experiences are only. They are times of going to secluded places to meet with God. My backyard is a kind of En Gedi for me. Among the household of nature spirits are refreshed. I go out in my yard early every morning. Wonders take place out there. Often I am back there in the evening. One time our district superintendent came over and exclaimed, "Wow! What a great place for a prayer retreat!" Yes it is. I hope you have a place you go to like David had. Wonderful meetings with the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, take place out there.
Song of Solomon 1.14 My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi. Yes, come to think of it I am sure David introduced his son Solomon to En Gedi!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Become like little children!" - Jesus

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

I well remember my first trip to the Middle East nearly 20 years ago. I listened to every word the guides spoke. I asked questions. When I came back I took books out of the library to study and learn about the complexities there.

The most volitale 600 acres on earth is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Here Solomon's Temple stood and later the second temple.
The Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site as the ancient compound where the two Jewish Temples stood, and is Islam's third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.

Yesterday it was the scene of demonstrations by the Muslims. The Jews are planning to rebuild the temple. It is now a national project in Israel ( Orthodox Jewish teenagers can opt to serve in the Temple Mount Institute in leiu of mandatory military service (Yes Israel requires all young people to serve in the army or some branch of the military, boys for three years, girls for 2 beginning at age 18).

The last time I was there I spoke to some of the young people working on the Temple Project. Right now it is all about the restoration of the things needed to carry out service in it, but when I asked if they would be able to use these things in the new temple the reponse was, "but of course!"

This is the picture listed on the Temple Mount Site with the word, "Tomorrow".

Below is a diagram that John Foster suggested I place here.

The Old Damascus Gate
It is believed Jesus came through this gate on His way to be crucified.

The Eastern Gate, The Gate called Beautiful
Jesus rode through this gate on His way into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
It is shut up but one day will be opened when He comes again.
(Ezekiel 44.1-3)

The steps leading up to the Temple
Jesus walked up these steps on His visits to Jerusalem.

The beginning of the Sabbath in Jerusalem.

The Yeshiva students coming to the Western Wall at the beginning of the Sabbath,
singing the Songs of Zion.

Me and a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem.
We discussed Jesus several times that week.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Friday Evenings P.S.

After I wrote the previous post I went downstairs and put in a DVD from the first season of Gomer Pyle. It was such a good story. The Colonel's daughter was coming home from college for a break and there was a dance at the base. He needed an escort for her and Gomer was chosen. He ended up singing a song with the guitar at the end. Jim Nabors has such a great voice.

I have to confess that after it ended I found myself saying, "Why can't they make stuff like that anymore?!" It was so pure and innocent and clean and funny and had good lessons and I could go on and on.

I just remembered more of why I loved Friday Evenings growing up.

I love that exchange in LORD of the Rings between Froto and Sam. I have mentioned it before where Froto asks Sam what they are risking their lives for. Froto answers, " That there is a little good left in the world and it worth fighting for." They talk about things being so out of sorts that how could it possibly go back to the way it was before it got all messed up. I remember finishing that movie and feeling hope. I know we can never return to the 1950's or early 60's. As C.S. Lewis wrote, "Reality does not repeat." My heart longs for a return to the morality we had in our nation, for the strength that came from families, for children to respect their elders, for things along this line.

Friday Evenings

I remember Friday Evenings being such a special night as a kid growing up on Long Island. We would all go grocery shopping together as a family (Imagine that!) We would get home just in time for Gomer Pyle, USMC. My mom would buy celery and I would grab a piece, wash it off, and put a little salt on it and have snack as I watched the show with my brother. We already had our homework done as this was hard and fast rule. It was good. Then we had the weekend to enjoy. Friday Nights were times of freedom and fun.

These days they mean something else. I have a friend. He is Dr. Tom Barnard. He has several e-mail devotionals he sends out each week. One of them is entitled Friday Evenings. Below is this evening's. At the end there is a place to sign up if you are not already receiving them and you'd like to get these each week. Like eternal life they are free. It is a great way to end the week and start the weekend.

Here you go:

God Never Forgets His Children

Tom Barnard

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast

and have no compassion on the child she has borne?

Though she may forget, I will not forget you!

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”

Isaiah 49:15-16 NIV

The prophet was referring to the love that God has for His people, Israel. Earlier in the chapter the prophet spoke the words of God to Israel, “In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people.” (v. 8) Is it too great a leap of faith to claim that promise for those of us who are not blood-descendants of Jacob? I think not! You and I are children of God by adoption, but does that make us any less His children? I think not! The prophet affirms a truth from the mouth of the Father: “I have carved you on the palms of my hands.” Underline these action words in your Bible:

“I will answer you…I will help you…I will keep you…I will not forget you!”

It doesn’t get any better than this! I found a quote recently that I really like:

“God will never lead you where His strength cannot keep you.”

Lord, I need to hear those words from you today. I need to know that in the time of trouble I will hear from you. I need to be assured that you are working in my behalf. I need to know that you will not forget me. I accept these words as your covenant with me. I am honored to think that you not only remember me, but that you have carved my name on the palms of your hands! It is hard to believe, but I believe it. Accept my thanks. Accept my praise. How great You are! Hallelujah! Amen!

This is “Friday Evenings” for February 9, 2007. To subscribe to this weekly devotional send your name and email address to Dr. Tom Barnard at

Back copies of these devotionals may be accessed at the following website:

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Emma helped me plant seeds for the garden on Saturday afternoon.
We put the soil in, then the seeds, then we watered them. I told her, "Now we will wait and soon they will grow!" Having a child in the home does wonders. Five minutes later she went back out to the kitchen where the tray of newly planted seeds were and announced, "They aren't up yet, Poppa!" I explained they take time. So she waited through about half an hour of watching March of the Wooden Soldiers, then ran out to the kitchen to repeat the same announcement.

Finally I explained, "It will be a longer time until we see the plants pop up, but they will come."

We are told in God's Word, "Let us not become weary in doing good for we will reap a harvest in due season if we do not give up." Waiting for answers to prayer is not easy. Looking for results of our labor can take time. Planting seeds, watering them are our job. It is God who causes them to grow and His ways are not our ways and His timing is not ours. He makes all things beautiful in His time- not ours. These are lessons that take a lifetime to fully learn. Like the person who prayed, "LORD, I need patience, but I want them now!" we often are like my sweet granddaughter Emma who turns three today. We expect things to happen quickly and then face frustration and disappointment when they don't.

I have to confess I am more like her in this way than I care to admit. I am looking for the seed to pop up when I should rest and leave it in the LORD's Hand. Oh what needless pain we bear!

I read this by Oswald Chambers this morning:
Dejection stems from one of two sources— I have either satisfied a lust or I have not had it satisfied. In either case, dejection is the result. Lust means "I must have it at once." Spiritual lust causes me to demand an answer from God, instead of seeking God Himself who gives the answer. What have I been hoping or trusting God would do? Is today "the third day" and He has still not done what I expected? Am I therefore justified in being dejected and in blaming God? Whenever we insist that God should give us an answer to prayer we are off track. The purpose of prayer is that we get ahold of God, not of the answer. It is impossible to be well physically and to be dejected, because dejection is a sign of sickness. This is also true spiritually. Dejection spiritually is wrong, and we are always to blame for it.

We look for visions from heaven and for earth-shaking events to see God’s power. Even the fact that we are dejected is proof that we do this. Yet we never realize that all the time God is at work in our everyday events and in the people around us. If we will only obey, and do the task that He has placed closest to us, we will see Him. One of the most amazing revelations of God comes to us when we learn that it is in the everyday things of life that we realize the magnificent deity of Jesus Christ.

I watered the plants this morning, I even move the tray daily into direct sunlight in the day hours... it won't be long now. Emma and I will be rejoicing over the new plants that will be moved out into the backyard in a few months. Thanks LORD for making the seeds grow. Forgive us when we do not look to You!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Man's Best Friend

Dogs are the best pets. This is not only my opinion. It is my experience. If it is not yours- well that's okay with me. I just have had wonderful times with the dogs that have been part of my life. Moe, to the right here, is no exception. On the contrary he is an exceptional companion. This guy came here when he was 12 weeks old. He was my Father's Day gift in June 2002. He has been a faithful friend. I even have a journal just for him and his antics.

Moe is a character! I noticed the other night that every time Lucy and I sit down to have dinner he cries in the middle of the meal to go out. I had a hunch this was more than a coincidence. So I said to Lucy, "Let me try something." I told Moe to lay down. After we were done with dinner he forgot all about needing to go out and followed me into the family room. He never had to go out- he just wanted the attention.

For all Moe does: watches the house at night and when we are away, keeps our yard squirrel free, and entertains Emma when she comes, he only asks for our love in return. Like most dogs he is so part of the family that he forgets he is a dog often.

Here is to our furry friends who make life even better just by being with us!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Outside the Kitchen Window

just took these moments ago...

Our Father in Heaven takes care of the birds...

How much more for us!