Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fun With Flowers

Okay- here is an a idea I came up with that anyone can try. We know about Day Lilies and how they come from the Greek word, "Beauty for a Day" How about having something in your garden where there are changes ever 2-8 hours?!

Here's what I have done in several locations: I planted Morning Glories, Four O'clocks and Moon Flowers in large pots with trellises in the back. If my calculations are correct we should see new flowers in the morning, late afternoon and then at night- all in the same area.

In the backyard now the honeysuckle is blooming- the fragrance is all over the yard as a gentle breeze blows. Everything is planted and we are watching stuff grow. Isn't this the coolest time of the year?!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

They're Back!

Two nights ago amidst the rain that familiar sound was heard around the pond. It was the mating call of the toads. In the darkness it sounds eery until you know what it is. Then it sounds wonderful. It is the call of spring.

One year a toad laid its eggs in the pond. We were overrun with tadpoles. I hope they do it this year. These little natural things add so much to the backyard.

The picture here is one from a few years back. This guy found a comfortable bed in one of our seedling containers. I love their "disinterested look". It makes me wonder what they are thinking. I'm glad they find the backyard a great place to live and raise their families!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thankful For the Rain!

When it rains many people complain. The gardeners are not among that group. We know that it the best thing for the labor of love we do among the plants. A morning of rain like we just had would take up standing with a garden hose and holding it for hours and add dollars to our water bill.

The entire property gets watered when it rains. Its free. It is done without any effort on our part. It is done equally. Here in the backyard the fish pond gets filled up. It makes weeds easy to pull out.

Thanks LORD for this morning's rain!