Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Faith and God's Timing

Psalm 89:46, 49 How long, LORD? Will You hide yourself forever? How long will Your wrath burn like fire? LORD, where is Your former great love, which in Your faithfulness You swore to David? 

God's ways are not our ways. This would include His timing and the how He works out His will in our lives.

William Cowper wrote:
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sovereign will.

The Psalmist was struggling here with God's Promises and the present situation in Israel. God had promised to always have someone on the throne of Israel and now there is no one and the throne itself is gone. Jerusalem is in ruins and rubble. The Psalmist is crying out, "Where are You, LORD?"

First notice that he has not lost his faith! He is still calling God, "LORD". He is still praying. He is perplexed.

Nothing is making any sense and God is not answering my prayers. When it seems that God is not answering my prayers He is hearing them! With nothing seems to be happening, something is happening.

God kept His promise. Jesus came and David's descendant is on the throne today and forever. They had to wait to see what God had in store. It was more wonderful than they could have ever imagined.

Wait for the LORD. Be strong and take heart. Wait for the LORD.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


My good friend, Dennis Hodulick, had his new car vandalized and tires stolen last night. As I saw the pictures this morning my heart ached. All of us who have had things stolen or property needlessly damaged know that horribly feeling. It stinks. Our innocency is stripped away even more.

We live in a  sinful world. Jesus spoke about thieves that break through and steal. He also spoke about treasures in heaven. My friend, Dennis, has many. He will get over this although for right now I would like to be like Moe in Three Stooges and bang some heads together or thump the perpetrators over the head with the Bible. For those who say evil does not exist look at the photos of the wreckage he posted. Look at what ISIS is doing. Go to the courts today with my friend Rudy who is an attorney. 

The things we see as pastors and criminal attorneys are often beyond description. Lives have been destroyed, people crushed and often the bad guys getting away with it... for now.

On the bright side there is a city where the gates are never closed where there are no thieves, no robberies, no destruction... it is the new Jerusalem. It is being prepared. One day it will come down from heaven from God as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

For over 35 years I have stood in that place in the front of the church or garden as the bride came out. I am there next to the couple as they exchange vows. It is a sight! But when Jesus comes and the New Jerusalem comes down it will be infinitely more wonderful than you could imagine!

 I have also been there when they brought in the person we are grieving over for a the funeral service. I will officiate one this weekend. It is beyond words for the family. God bless them. But the Good News is that heaven is going to be a wedding feast and there are no cemeteries in the New Jerusalem! There will be no more death, sorrow, tears, pain! What a day! 

The gates will be open and we will not need insurance against thieves. I can hardly wait!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Brian Williams Is To Be Pitied, Then Fired!

In the days of Walter Cronkite and David Brinkley, Anchorman of Network News were among the most trusted men in America. I remember my grandfather coming from Queens to our house on Long Island for a visit and waiting for his news to come on. He would listen as we waited patiently for the cartoons to resume afterwards. He watched and believed every word.

With the advent of CNN and a 24 hour a day news station the network news took a hit, then came the internet and news was available at the touch of a button. With my iPad I check into news streams throughout the day now.

Yet the Anchormen of CBS, NBC and ABC still were held as men of integrity, trustworthy, even with their liberal leanings at times. Brian Williams changed all that. First it was the lies about being shot down over Iraq and now a inquiry into if he was telling the truth when he reported about Katrina.  I imagine there will be more as this story unfolds. Tom Brokaw, who sat at the NBC desk for years, has called on the network to fire Brian Williams. What they will do remains to be seen. He has lost his credibility. 

But so has sitting presidents and even some so called preachers. When my integrity was called into question a few weeks ago I laughed. A close friend failed to see what was funny. I was innocent. The charge was laughable.

Obviously this is not so with Brian. He has admitted to fabricating the truth. Why would he do it? Didn't he realize the pilot would come out and tell the true story? These are questions which need to be asked and answered. Unfortunately it does not appear to be a mistake. He lied to America. He lied to his listeners. 

We live in a time when truth is looked at as being relative. We have played with the absolutes and sought to change things here in America. We have been very proud of it. It is a bit hypocritical for there to be outrage at poor Brian Williams in one sense. He got caught. He is to be pitied. He lied to the American people. The last president who did deceived the nation to be severely punished was Richard Nixon. He had to resign. That is what Brian Williams should do. He probably will not. He should be fired. We will have to wait to see what NBC Executives do. 
Whatever happens at this point there should be pity for him and the nation who listens. It is reflective of where we are at these days when it comes to holding the truth in high regard.