Wednesday, March 25, 2015

More Fish!

This morning there were 2 fish which had emerged from the bottom of the pond. This is a sure sigh. Of spring outback! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Springing of Spring!

In my front yard a sure sign of spring appeared this morning. It was a crocus my granddaughter and I planted 9 years ago in full bloom. Many more to follow.

Out in the backyard there were also signs of things popping up. Daffodils, snow drops and swamp buttercups are making their presence known.

The sign I love is the fish pond thawing and the fish appearing. I have seen a few the past couple of days.

Spring is here!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sign of Spring

Some look to the Groundhog for the end of winter. I look to the fish in my pond. They are beginning to emerge after the cold snowy winter here. Yesterday several were swimming slowly around. It is a sure sign of winter's end!