Saturday, November 28, 2009

Its That Time of Year

The fading in of the season of Christmas always pleased me. While we are still eating leftover turkey, out come the first of the Christmas Decorations, at least that is what happened here last night. While the ham cooked on the rotisserie, Emma and I decked the halls- well at least we got some of it got done.

My nephews went and got more potato bugs for their newly acquired Venus Fly Traps. We ate ham and baked yams and drank sparkling cider and laughed and talked. It was wonderful having Lucy at the table with us. We missed her. Due to the jet lag Emma had not seen her grandmother since she arrived home from China earlier in the week. It was a glad reunion.

Emma summed up our feelings about our home yesterday. When she pulled up she said, "This is my favorite place." Her cousin Marlee had just said that about Target which was their last stop before arriving here. When we were pulling out the decorations, Emma exclaimed, "I love this house!" I concur.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Veuns Fly Trap and Thanksgiving

I am a very nostalgic person. One dear friend recently described me as a little bit of a mush. He was right.

Several weeks ago I was in Shop Rite. There was a family of boys checking out something in the floral department. It was a Venus Fly Trap. Before long one was in my cart. My brother, Mark, had one when we were kids growing up in the wonder filled town of Bellmore, Long Island. I can still see where it sat in the living room. I didn't realize it but he had one in his home as an adult. Since his untimely passing his boys and daughter spend Thanksgiving with the Mancinis. The kids are adults nearly themselves but I am still Uncle Larry to them- always will be.

Stephen and Mike were delighted to see I had bought this plant. Yesterday they hunted for bugs in my backyard. This carnivor went crazy gobbling up their find. They even wished it Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful day yesterday. My daughter Tina outdid herself. She set a beautiful table for all 27 people! We ate. Tonya and James made appetizers and a ham. Theresa and Mike made incredible pies. There was a turkey and loads of other delectables as well.

We played Carom and Skittle Bowl and I won every game! Its fun to beat those youngsters! Of course as I explained to James I have been plyaing this since I lived in Bellmore!

We had a family football game to start the day at 9am in the park where Jackson's Celebration was held last month, It was grand. Three football games as well as a family breakfast took place there. I love the way my kids included the grandkids in the football fun.

I am still thankful this morning. My children have settled here and I and given me 5 sweet grandchildren. I get to be a pastor to an incredible group of people for my life's work. In spite of all my flaws they love me! I live in a place, on an Island I love. Surrounded by an ocean and salt water air I am grateful for God's Creation (Even the Venus Fly Traps!)

Life is good, very good!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Biggest Travel Day of the Year

Tomorrow, the day before Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year. I have been through the city twice on this day and it is crazy. Once through Penn Station and once driving friends to catch a plane. I took in the sights and sounds of each.

Last night I took Lucy out to dinner at a favorite place of ours, the Bonwit Inn. Speaking to the owners afterwards we wished them a Happy Thanksgiving. When I asked if the restaurant was closed he said, "Oh no sir, it is our busiest day of the year!"

Americans for hundreds of years have been gathering at November's fourth Thursday and celebrating something uniquely ours. It is Thanksgiving! In the store yesterday I told a clerk helping me about Grandma's Corn Souffle'. I told him how the recipe was close 100 years old and had been in our family that long. I told him about Nana's Broccoli and Bread Crumbs and the Creamed Onions. Al these will be part of the feast here in Bay Shore. We make these things on the special day called Thanksgiving.

Our family traveling in are on the way now. This morning, this evening and tomorrow will be filled with my brother's kids arriving to join in an a great time.

May all you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Welcome Home, Lucy!

Lucy arrived at 7:45 last evening after 24 hours of travel and layovers in Asia. Since 10 overseas flights came in within minutes, I had to wait two hours for her to come through customs and immigration. Of course it was worth the wait. :-)

I am in awe at the international travel Kennedy sees. As I drove in my mind went back to so many time I have been there. I spent the first few years of my life just across the street from it! Several trips to Israel have taken place from there, as well as my trip to China. I have picked up many many people from all over the world there, Africa, Russia, Asia. South America,

When we were kids for entertainment on Sunday afternoons my dad and mom would drive us there and we would watch the people come through customs. Now it is done privately.

Last night as I approached the parking, a huge British Airways Air Bus was taxing on the overpass as I drove under. What a site for this big kid at heart! I love my life. I love New York and I am thankful to be an American!

Blessed Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankful For Everything

I just returned from the best run I have had in years. Before the sun rose here on Long Island's South Shore, with the Radio City Christmas Show Music playing in my ears, I was running. What made this one so special was I did the whole non stop. What a great feeling! I cannot describe how good feel after these runs but this morning was added with elation because I broke through a barrier. Just the other day I was dreaming about it.

As I write this several people come to mind.I am forever indebted to them. Jim Murrin, my Junior High Coach at Jerusalem Avenue, said to me in the 8th grade, "Mancini, how come you didn't go out for track?" I said, "I don't know." (Actually the thought never even entered my brain). He then said, "Go out for the team." That is how I first began to run.

When I got to Mepham High School, Paul Limmer, became my coach. In fact he still is! When I began to run again I asked him the questions. His answers lined up with the same ones I got from my son-in-law, James, who was a Physical Therapist and is now a fine young doctor. Last but not least is my friend, John Foster, who when I was his pastor, encouraged me to begin again and with some breaks from that time I am now regularly out there.

I doubt if I will ever run in a race again. I had my share in my youth. What I enjoy most is to out there in the morning or evening just running through my beloved neighborhood I lived in for 25 years now. Running just for fun has been a dream of mine for decades. I am living the dream. Thanks to the LORD Who gives me the strength and those men who are on my team!

What a beautiful sunrise we are getting on Sunrise Highway right now!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy Insomnia

It's 4am as I write this. I can't sleep. For most people it is anxiety or fear or even the fact they can't sleep and are trying to that keeps them awake. Sleep has never been a problem for me in that way.

The cause of my insomnia are happy thoughts. My cup overflows. I am loaded with blessings. The more apparent ones right now are these: After a month and a half of being away in China, my darling wife, Lucy, is returning home. She arrives at Kennedy Sunday night. I am so thankful she got to be with her family there. Then Tuesday, Mike, my nephew, arrives for Thanksgiving. The next day his brother, Stephen, comes in from Philly. Marlee, my niece, will make her appearance as well. When we lost their dad, my dear brother, Mark, a number of years ago, they decided they wanted to spend Thanksgiving with the Mancini Family. We are so glad to be with them.

On Thanksgiving Day we will go to my daughter, Tina's. There will be around 30 of us (all family) there. While my grandkids live right here being together on that Day is wonderful.

Because I am a pastor I am preparing to speak two times on Thanksgiving before the day itself. This Sunday Morning and at a special Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday Evening I'll share with the congregation. I have always enjoyed this.

There are many many other blessings which are all around me. I am incredibly rich with friends. I have enjoyed serving in the same church, living in the same house in a place I love for 25 years. New York City and Long Island's beaches (not to mention all the food we enjoy here - bagels and pizza and the Diner to name a few) are where I was born and grew up. I've been all across the country and around the world but this is the place in my heart. What a blessing it so with my three daughters, their husbands and my five grandkids.

Speaking of country, I am thankful for it. It is my country. I love America. I am glad I am a American. I am thankful for the men and women who keep us free and safe. What a blessing to know some of them and pray for them! God bless you who are away from family this Thanksgiving so we at home can enjoy ours. Your sacrifice is not going unnoticed!

Every good and perfect gift comes down from our Father in Heaven. I am so thankful to the LORD Who has blessed me with all these wonderful things and many many more- much too numerous to mention. Let me finish this piece with just one.

One of my dear friends is Rudy Migliore. It was my pleasure to have dinner with him and his beautiful family in their home a few weeks ago. His daughter Stephanie is a few years older than my granddaughter, Emma. She has been passing all kinds of fun stuff onto me that my grandchildren enjoy when they come. Books, toys and videos have transformed the family room into a playroom extraordinair. Last night, my daughter, Tina, called and asked if I wanted to hang out. My schedule permitted me to stop over for a bit. Four of my grandchildren were there. I brought my little bag of books. In it was Dora's Bedtime. The kids had never seen it before. I read it about 5 times. Lili loved it. On the way home I began to think about these gifts that have come from Stephanie and her family. I woke up early this morning, thinking about last evening and days ahead. I couldn't fall back alseep so I started the coffee and began to write. Thanks for letting me do so and for reading the ramblings of one happy insomniac!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Thoughts

The American celebration of Thanksgiving is rooted in the beginnings of our nation. Columbus' journey to the new world was spiritual as well as literal. The Plymouth Pilgrims came here with hopes of religious freedom and found it.

Thanksgiving is historical. It was President Abraham Lincoln who signed the first "official" proclamation making the fourth Thursday in November a day of giving thanks to God Almighty for His blessings upon America.

It is a personal thing too. We all have many blessings that are ours and a story behind it.

In a day short of just two weeks families will gather across this nation and have Thanksgiving together. Travel plans are being made for our loved ones to come from places in the northeast and arrive here in time to celebrate with us. Many memories flood my mind of times of growing up in Bellmore and for the past 25 years here in Bay Shore of Thanksgiving Days. I remember it was a time when my grandmother would come and visit. Now I am a Poppa. I'm very blessed that my grandchildren are right here and I am very thankful for my family, friends, my life's work and all the people I get to work with. Life is rich with God's blessings.

Among the things I hope to do today is visit some folks in Nursing Homes who are a part of the congregation. They will be thankful too, I know. I am their pastor. Bottom line is today we have more, much more than we realize we have. Look at what you have and thank God. Thanksgiving is every day, especially if you live in America!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Out of the Yard... Into the Streets

When I ran Cross Country back in the early 70's one of the things I enjoyed was getting out and running through neighborhoods on the streets of the town I grew up in here on Long Island. This evening I went out and ran (for the second time today- at the advice of a good friend) the streets my kids grew up in and where I have lived for 25 years. The northeast enjoyed some very warm weather for November today. I ran and perspired and loved every moment of it,

Fall is grand here on the Island. The smell of the leaves on the ground are like perfume to me. I passed a group of people out for a walk. We exchanged greetings. Who said New Yorkers are not friendly?

I listened to Bread CD as I ran. No I don't have an i-pod. I still use a discman which was a gift from my daughter years ago. I ran and breathed and watched as night came. I am thankful I can run, for the flood of memories that rush in when I do and for this place I call home where all my children and grandchildren live. Life is good and tonight I am thankful to be alive and kicking!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Leaf Mulch

Early this morning I ventured outside where Jack Frost had left his mark and brought several wheel barrels of fine leaf mulch into the backyard. This came from the churchyard. Last time we bagged up the leaves from the church property I am told they exceeded 100 bags. Instead of the plastic going to a landfill with leaves in it, it goes into my yard and by February some of the most beautiful soil you have ever seen is there. Long before Al Gore made his documentary I have been doing my part in taking care of the earth. In the backyard, what Adam did in Eden, after creation continues. We are taking care of our tiny part of the planet. My backyard blog and its link to Facebook are the only fanfare we get.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Wealth Of Information

Joe Peckl is a veteran gardener here in Bay Shore. In his 80's he supplies plants to all the best nurseries on Long Island. Hicks, Father Nature's and others sell his home grown, hand grown ware. We had dinner together last month. He is a friend who is full of knowledge that comes from experience and I listen when he talks. Actually it is more than just facts it is wisdom. There is a difference between the two- a great difference.

I am very blessed to have as my friends people like Joe, who you can learn so much from (and I do!). This year as the tomato season wraps up and a few tomatoes are still out there he told me what to do to have seeds ready to plant from my favorite plants from this year (My favorites are grape and cherry tomatoes). He said, "Go out and take a few tomatoes and crush them. Spread the seeds out on paper towels and let them dry. Then in the a few months, when you do your planting, take the sections of the paper towels where the seeds are and plant the whole thing- towel section and all. You will duplicate what you had this summer in as many numbers as you want."

So yesterday I got my seeds ready for my February planting- the kind of tomatoes Lucy and I love. Thanks Joe!