Friday, October 29, 2010

Time To Share Those Seeds

Those beautiful blooms you had this year for the most part can be shared. I got a handful of Mexican Sunflower seeds yesterday from my granddaughter's Grandma. Many time the seeds are in the head of the dried flowers or in the case of Chinese Morning Glories they form pods and and have seeds all ready to plant next year. Marigolds and Shasta Daises put out an abundance of seeds as do Brown Eyed Susans. So look around as you do your fall clean up. Take some for yourself and your friends and your family and share those seeds. Here at Mancini's Gardens (ala Larry's Backyard) we have even mailed them to other parts of the country. Share those seeds!
They are free!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who Is On That Plane?

It is interesting how a personal experience can change the way you look at things forever.
Planes have flown over the backyard like this one for as long as I can remember. In August I found myself on one heading to my family in Florida to be with them at a time of unspeakable loss. I was surrounded by people going to see loved ones and taking a vacation before summer's end. However for me that trip was not one of pleasure. I wanted to get down to be with my cousins because I love them and we were all in shock and sorrow.
I look at the planes overhead differently now. They are carrying fathers and mothers who are going to be away from their children because of their jobs. They are carrying people who are going to a funeral or to be with a family member or friend in great need. Of course many travel for pleasure and that is good. My thoughts go to the ones who are not now. I have found myself wondering who is on board (like I did last evening in the backyard), what their situations are and whispering a prayer for those who heading to or from a place where sorrow and trouble made the reason for the trip.
I believe those souls are in between me on the earth and a Father in Heaven Who wants to comfort them. It is a privilege to pray and ask the LORD to hold them in the Palm of His Hand.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Frog's Compliment

Each spring we add a few tadpoles to the pond in the backyard. They develop over the summer and by now they are getting ready to look for a place where they will winter. When I was out by the pond feeding the fish this past weekend there was a splashing sound. Closer examination revealed a splendid amphibian. One of the tadpoles had become a full leopard frog. He will probably winter here and perhaps even join the few that have made the pond their residency. We are delighted they chose our backyard.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This past weekend my oldest nephew and his girlfriend got engaged. My mind started to kick into motion. I now move into a different phase. They will get married in the future. Then after a bit they will have children. I will be a great uncle. That made me feel happy and old at the same time. Yes it is possible for the two to coexist. Feeling old is not all bad. Although I do agree with George Barnard Shaw who said that it is a shame youth has to be wasted on the young.

Last night I was waiting to pick up my granddaughter from her cheer leading practice. Three different times I was mistaken for her dad. The next day and I am still smiling. Guess not only are you as old as you think but sometimes younger than than you actually are by other people. The fact my youngest daughter turns 30 next month adds to be taken for a father of a 6 year old! Life is good!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Gardening All Year Round

Gardening doesn't end in the fall, it continues all through the year. True in the dead of winter, At the end of January, there is not a lot of outside work going on but it is time to begin seedlings and get ready for the spring.

We are fortunate here on Long Island because we do have a a growing season that extrnds well into the fall. Lucy's arugula has taken on new life from the rains of last week. I just walked in with a handful of grape tomatoes. The green onions look very healthy and will give us fresh picks well into December.

Anywhere though you can garden and plan for next year. Bulbs will go in soon in a new bed out front. I'm thinking some tulips will look real nice there next spring- maybe even some new daffodils.

I like fall because it affords the luxuary of doing some putting out there. Like today, Columbus Day, I am under no pressure to get things in or even get things done. In shorts and flip flops I am drinking in the sun of this gorgeous fall day and going at a slow pace. I wonder if this isn't a bit closer to what the Garden of Eden was like where work was pure joy. It makes me also wonder what the new earth will be like... wonderful.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just When You Think You Have Seen It All

After a nice dinner with my daughter, son-in-law and grand kids I headed home. On the way I stopped at Target to pick up a few things. I was looking for a cart in the parking lot and found one. As I went to get it the cars parked on both sides of it began to backup simultaneously. They were both turning into the cart and by the time I shouted, "Stop!" it had wedged itself under the side view mirror of the one car and was ready to do serious damage to the other car. They heard me and listened. I got in between the cars, gently rescued the cart and pulled ti out of harm's way. Both drivers thanked me as they slowly pulled out. There was a gentleman standing there watching this all take place. I remarked to him, "Can you imagine if I didn't intervene? How would they have explained this one to the insurance companies?" He laughed as we both walked into the store.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This Says It All.... Well Almost

Those who have been to my backyard, either via this blog or literally, know that it has flowers and fruit, fish and fowl and some other things. The fish will feed for another 6 weeks. The flowers will finish their blooming around the same time. The raspberries begin to come in this week. However through all four seasons, 365 days a year, we feed the birds and enjoy their visits.

The variety is great as we have three sets. There are those like the chickadees, cardinals and blue jays who are here year. There are those who migrate south for the winter like the blue bird and humming bird and then there there are those like the juncos who come down here to Long Island for the winter from northern parts.

Bird feeding is fun as well as helpful. Just the other day I saw a blue jay working a tomato plant. They go after worms that we can hardly see. In fact some years ago Organic Gardening ran a whole feature on the best birds to bring into your backyard for pest control. We have sought to bring them all in. You could really say like the plaque my daughter's family gave me last year says above,"This Place is for the Birds."