Saturday, January 31, 2009

When What to My Wondering Eyes Did Appear

OK, I confess. I just got the last of the Christmas stuff put away today. It seems like there has been a thousand things that have taken precedence over this act of the New Year. I am just glad I got it done before Valentine's Day! (which incidentally is 2 weeks from today!

As I was coming through the kitchen (which faces west), I noticed something I haven't seen in some time. It was the sun shining all the way to the east wall! Now we have had plenty of sunshine for January, but this is the first time for months that its beams went that far.

This means the days are getting longer. It means that the end of winter is in sight. It means that th groundhog will probably see his shadow but that only 6 weeks of winter remains. It means that next week I'll begin those spring seedlings! It means a new gardening season is about to dawn! I am very thankful I got those Christmas things put away! I sure would not wanting to be doing that during the spring cleanup which will take place with the first thaw!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

When the Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbing Along...

Not too many years ago it was a big thing to see the first robin of the spring. Those days are gone around here. The Robins hang out all winter now.

I have seen a number of them today. They eat berries leftover from the fall that are on the trees. I guess it is their version of frozen food! When we get a thaw they will go after worms. They are a remarkable bird.

You will never see A Robin at feeder but you will find them in bushes and where the ground has been broken up and the worms are moving around.

Even though there is officially 7 weeks left to winter, it is a reminder spring is coming because of the red breasted friends.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beginning Year Number Thirty Today!

Today marks the beginning of my 30th year as a pastor. It has been a wonderful journey in so many ways.

Can I share a few things with you about this walk with the LORD and His people?

I remember well that day, January 20, 1980, when for the first time I would bring God's Word to a group of people who would call me "Pastor". I can still see that little chapel and the people who were there that day.

People have loved me much more than I deserve. I have seen God's grace coming through the congregation. The encouragement I have received from God's people has been a wonderful blessing.

The LORD has been with me each step of the way. I have so enjoyed the times with Him, even when it has just been Him and I. Jesus has been a Friend Who loves at all times.

The ministry has not been without its times of struggles and difficulties but God has always brought us through them. There have been times when He has delivered us but most of the times we have walked through them with Him leading the way. He has been close to me during those times as well as the delightful ones.

One of the wonders of serving God as a shepherd is the eternal nature of the work. I often think of that line, "Only one life, will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last." It is a joy to serve and knowing that I am involved with things eternal.

I love God's Word. I loved it before I became a pastor. As a kid my Bible was my companion. I love its stories and now I get to tell them as part of my life's work.

One more thing I have found about being a pastor is that you never get bored in this work. It is a fantastic journey!

At the end we receive a crown!

To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. I Peter 5.1-4

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Backyard to Backyard

I had such a fascinating dream last night. I was back on Martin Avenue in Bellmore, the backyard I grew up in. Lucy was there and so were other family members including my mom. I remember two particular things. One was the patio roof off the garage we used to climb up on and have a world all our own.

The other thing was the slate path that led down the yard to the area behind the currant bushes which my dad gave to us as our own to dig and do whatever we wanted to in.

Kids today find excitement online playing games with kids around the world. We used to dig holes in the ground and dream of coming out in China! I recently told Lucy this and she laughed. She said that when she was a kid in China they used to say the same thing only it was America they would come out in.

A miracle in my life is that two kids at heart some years later had their dreams come true in a large part.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


On the train last evening I overheard a young man talking on his cell phone to a friend. He was heading into the city to meet this young lady he had met a few weeks ago in New Jersey. They were having their first date. All the arrangements were made. His mom said to him as he left, “Suppose she doesn’t show up?” He said to his friend, “Way to build up my confidence, Mom!”

He went onto say how she made him anxious about the date. Suppose she doesn't show up? There are those who build up our confidence and those who undermine it. There are those who give us a dose of reality every once in a while. All of them make life interesting, but I ahve to admit I prefer those who build up my confidence yet I need all three.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hope For The New Year

From a Message given by my friend Art Alexander here at my church this week...

Things That Never Change

Romans 8.28

We are either operating out of fear or love.

There are over 2,000 different fears or phobias that people have today.

One is fear of change. The loss of a loved one/ the loss of a job/ other changes

How do we handle the stress of change?

1. Everything is moving faster

Progress speeds things up. We know in split second timing what is going on around the world.
King George IV on July 4, 1776 wrote in his diary, "Nothing much happened today" Across the ocean America had won its independence from the country he ruled.

2. Every decision is more complicated because of all the choices we now have.

3. Every value is being challenged.
Patriotism, Family

The author of Future Shock wrote, "When people go through rapid change they need Islands of Stability."

Three Things That Never Change

1- God's Love Never Changes
In Malachi the LORD said, "I the LORD do not change."
Jeremiah tells us that the LORD loves us with an everlasting love.
He never gets tired of you.
He is consistent.
His love is not based on our performance. It is based on His character.
Nothing can separate us from God's love.

2- God's Word Never Changes
Isaiah speaks of this
Jesus said that heaven and earth will pass away but His Words will never pass away.

3- God's Purposes Never Change
God knows what is going to happen.
How He works out His purpose is mysterious to us
Psalm 33.1

Accept His Love
Believe His Word
Cling to Purposes

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Rich Welcome Into the Eternal Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

When our lives are over and we stand before Jesus as He judges every soul that has ever lived from Adam on, we will hear one of two things. Either you will hear, "Come, you who are blessed by My Father: take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world," or you will hear, "Depart from Me you who are cursed; into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matthew 26.34,41)

Peter calls this first statement a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. As we begin a New Year it is a good time to think, "Where I am headed?" What will I hear at the end of my life? You can change directions and destiny today! All who call on the Name of the LORD will be saved!

An abundant welcome upon the entrance through the gates of heaven awaits all who believe and are following Jesus.