Friday, July 24, 2015

For The Birds!

As I sit out here sipping coffee at the picnic table this morning, the plaque, my daughter gave me which states "This Place Is For The Birds " rings true again. I put some bird seed on the corner of the table and the chickadees have joined me. There is a whole family of them back here (yes a baby too!). The baby just landed next to my hand as it was on the camera to take another picture. I love looking into the eyes of these beautiful creatures God has made.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Early Morning Musings From The Picnic Table

Each morning of the summer, before the sun comes up, I take my cup of coffee, my iPad and my Bible and head out to the picnic table in my backyard.

It is a quiet respite, chocked full of the best of nature on Long Island. 

This morning once again I watched a routine. It is several toads returning to the large daylily bed in front to the table.  It is such a cool sight to watch these interesting creatures, who appear to be bored with life, make their way home after a night of hunting. 
We are teeming with toads this year again. The State of New York, in its infinite wisdom, devised a flood control plan that actually fills once dry sumps with water year round. Since there is one on the corner, the toads have found a nesting place and after they are born they make their ay out into the world, which happens to be the yards across the street.

Since my yard has been termed a jungle or a rain forest by some family members, they love it here! And I love them here. The one that just arrived is sitting under the shade of a large plant right now in full view of me. This place is not only for the birds. It is also for the toads!