Thursday, April 26, 2012


The rainbow last evening in the backyard.


You only see a rainbow when there's rain
The grace of God shines brightest in our pain
He is close the the brokenhearted
He binds up their wounds.
Don't be discouraged, Christ is coming soon!

1. He sees each teardrop that you shed,
This Man of Sorrows What a Name!
Like the clear clean air after the rain
So the tears help wash away our pain.

2. Rainbows only come in the sunset or sunrise,
This wonder the LORD God places in the sky.
Instead of waiting for the storms to pass by
Dance in the rain and sing to One on High.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Fence Around the Yard

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Activity Now

Spring in the backyard means springing into activity. Here's what I have been up to:

My neighbor asked when they replace the fence if I would mind them bringing it down by their new art studio, to 4 feet. They want to be able to look out of the windows onto my pond and water garden. I said, "Do it! Enjoy!" Part of the fun of having a backyard is in sharing it with others.

Now is the time to break up the ground, work in the compost and let the rain bring the replenishing. It is also the time to plant snow peas, green onions and spinach. While out there digging if you see some unbolted dandelion greens, dig them up! Pecan Raspberry Salad dressing along with some pecan (or walnuts) with them make for a delicious and healthy salad.

Now is the time to move things around. Things like Jerusalem Artichoke bulbs and Shasta Daisies which are forming clumps. Wait until the blooms are long gone before moving anything else like Crocus, tulips, daffodils, and of course day lilies.

Now is the time to take a trip to a local stable (make sure they don't give the horses steroids or antibiotics) and pick up some fresh horse manure and make horse manure tea. When you draw out the tea get it off the top so the seeds which were undigested don't get into your gardens.

Buy your seeds now! They will gone soon.

Most of all get out there and enjoy what God has created for you! Have fun and leave some comments here to tell others what is working.

Have a great spring from the Larry's Backyard!!!