Monday, August 9, 2021

Gardening Year Round

i just came back with a load of seaweed from the Great South Bay, just a few minutes from wehre I live. this is used to fertilize tomatoes and cucumbers. I've written about this on a previous post. By searching "seaweed" you can read about it. I only take six weeks off from November 15 to Christmas Day from my garden. Soon I will collect the pods of seeds from my daylily crosses. They will go into the refrigerator so they will not sprout. Then on Christmas Day I will again plant these inside in a planter. Seeing these seeds pop brings the thought that they will eventually be planted outside. Mulching leaves has the same effect as does the heater in my pond. it keeps life going while the garden rests. Start your nursery inside. Caring for it is pure joy. spring will be here before you know it!