The date May 12th will never be the same for my family. On May 12, 2000 my brother Mark left this earth for heaven just a few weeks after his 40th birthday. I called my Mom on that morning this week morning... A rainbow appeared Tuesday night - 9 years to the day of Mark’s death, a double one. Lucy and I saw it on our way home from visiting a member of our congregation at North Shore University Hospital. It was spectacular!
After my brother died I began making my own cards for family members. My nephew had made a picture for me of a rainbow with the saying, “God Keeps on Working”. He said, “Remember Uncle Larry we heard that when my dad died?” I honestly don’t remember- it could have been an angel!
Lucy and I have that little picture of the rainbow hanging up in the kitchen. I put the rainbow on the back of my cards with the verse from Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all His Promises.
This Tuesday nine years to the day later God confirmed His Word to me with a double rainbow. Lucy and I were in awe of it.