It happens each year around this time. The harvest begins to come in. The cherry tomatoes weren't even planted this year. From either some that dropped last year or some compost that didn't break down these little seeds survived the winter. When I got my pots full to plant this year grape tomatoes what to my wondering eyes did appear but 4 cherry tomato seedlings.
Carefully I transplanted them into individual pots and now the harvest is beginning! In each of those little spheres of delicious fruit is enough seeds to plant a whole garden next year.
God created the heavens and the earth and as Pastor Eugene Hazard said to me one time, "It is an amazing earth which the LORD created."
The whole cycle of life right in my own backyard amazes me. We used to put out over 100 60 gallon bags of leaves for pickup each fall. Now we mulch them and with a wheel barrel I carry them next door from the church yard to my yard. Thanks Mr. Pawson for mulching them for me.
One time he asked, "What are you doing with all those leaves?!" Nothing but spreading them into the gardens. By the following spring the most beautiful soil is there. Then cherry tomato seeds germinate. This year once again I added the sea weed from the Great South Bay and horse manure tea along with egg shells. The result- absolutely delicious cherry tomatoes which were virtually free. To this I respond, "Thanks LORD!!!"