If you put in a water garden, if you grow vegetables, if you put in flowering plants, and a host of any one of a number of things you will bring critters into your yard.
It can be as lovely as the monarch butterflies which are stopping here now filling up for their trek south or it can be as creepy as this morning. Garbage cans were being overturned. At first it sounded like someone broke into the house. I got out of bed to see. Nothing.
Then unturned on the light outback. There they were!!! one, two, three raccoons walking along the top of the fence. All I could see was the silhouette of their forms against the white stucco garage.
Speaking of critters, I feed the birds. Just as I am entering this in my iPad, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Within 3 feet of me was Rocket J. Squirrel! I told him to get out of here. He was headed to the bird feeders.
Since the yard has so many day lilies, toads have found refuge here. That is good. They eat bugs. Also Bugs Bunny has shown up. That is not good. He eats garden vegetables. We take the good with the bad. Rocky just returned! Guess I should be thankful that Bullwinkle is not with him!