Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Time To Weep

I have lived long enough to hear the message of positive thinking repeated through several different messengers. What I have never encountered is them speaking on these verses:
Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance;

There are times when weeping and mourning are actual medicinal, a healthy thing to do.

Back in the 70's there was a slogan among the multitude of multi level home businesses. It went, "Did you bring your PMA?" PMA stood for Positive Mental Attitude.

It is impossible to be up all the time. While blessings from the LORD come in our grief ad sorrow, disappointment and pain, by and large, it is not a positive experience. Loss means subtraction. When someone we love has failed or has died, it is a time to mourn. Not doing that, remaining up, is not facing reality. It is living in denial whatever the reasons.

The bloom season is coming to an end in my backyard. While we are getting ready for next year, there is a sense in which things are dying, getting dormant and retreating.

To pretend that is not happening, to act like it is spring is to set myself up for disappointment and disillusionment. God has given us a safety net in His Word for this. It is spoken of in these verses in Ecclesiastes.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mourning Dove Close Up

Chickadee Hang Out

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Friday, August 9, 2013

Compost Update

As the summer winds down into its final month, the gardens are producing all kinds of  delicious vegetables. The last of the daylilies are in bloom, the baby birds are almost adults as well as the rabbits and squirrels born.

There is something that can and should continue and that is composting. Another container arrived two days ago and I will be setting it up today. I am involved in a study for a company on new style composters.

Compost is putting back into the earth what we have taken out. It is the ultimate recycling. The LORD does most of the work through His magnificent creation, but he used our hands and minds. Every garden plant that dies should be placed in the compost pile or container, grass clippings and even mulched fall leaves. Its fun, its easy and it gives you the best potting soil and fertilizer anywhere!

Just do a search on my blog here with the key word or hash tag "compost" to get you going!

Monday, August 5, 2013

This Place is Definitely For The Birds!