Friday, November 14, 2014

Ready For A Long Winter's Nap

As the growing season winds down and the fall gives way to winter like weather soon, the lessening activities in the garden give the garden and the gardener a break. I like the sign I saw a few years ago, obviously to be placed outside in the winter that read, "Shh! The garden is asleep." 

Before that happens in my backyard we have loads of leaves to mulch and move to the leaf compost pile. We have a great deal of pulling out of dead plants and the turning over of the vegetable garden for next year. There is still some scattered lawn furniture that needs to come in. 

Then there are preparations for the activity through the winter out there. While plants and toads hibernate, birds do not. They look forward to food and water. check out the migratory patterns. While birds fly south, there on Long Island, as in other places, we are south to some birds! Like the Junco or commonly known as the Snow Bird. He can be found around the feeders on a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow. Like the line of Santa from Radio City's Christmas Spectacular of a few years ago, "I love coming south this time of the year to New York City Atmosphere..." So some of our feathered friends ride down with old Saint Nick to us.

Feeding the Birds helps keep life in the dormant yards. Is there anything so beautiful as a Cardinal whose feathers brighten in winter than to find him in a barren tree with the snow as a background?

It is a wondrous time. Enjoy the view!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Here We Go Again!

The leaves are turning colors and beginning to fall down now on Long Island. Last night and this morning brought fog. The air is crisp and the breeze cool. The days are getting shorter as the squirrels go about their annual ritual of burying acorns for the winter. The garden will go to sleep for the winter and beautiful blankets of snow will come. All will burst back into life next spring. God's wonderful creation is amazing!
I just read this morning in Proverbs that by wisdom He laid the earth's foundation and set this world in perpetual motion and He sustains it. 
Seeds have been gathered for new plants with wonderful flowers next year. I am in awe of His Handiwork once again this morning.