Monday, February 25, 2008

More Evidence of Spring!

Right up through the snow, came this crocus which Emma and I planted in November. When they all bloom they will form a cross. Click on the picture for an enlargement, then take a deep breathe, look at how the days are getting longer and celebrate spring! Lucy and I saw a flock of Robins this morning along Southern State Parkway digging for worms.

I also planted a flat of Day Lily Seeds inside this morning.

And Away We Go!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The First Crocus

Emma and I planted crocuses in November. They popped up a few weeks ago. Thursday, on the way over to the Bible Study, I noticed one had a bug, a yellow one. This morning that little bud opened pushing itself towards the sun right through the snow! I love it! Spring is around the corner.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Starlings and Suet

The starlings are all over the yard these days. They come in flocks. They are have huge appetites. A bunch of them can devour a suet cake in a few hours. The best thing to do to avoid this is to leave suet cake in its plastic container and expose only one side, turning that side upside down. Starlings cannot hang upside down. Downy Woodpeckers and chickadees can.

This year I have begun to make my own suet. My family was good stewards of the earth long before it was fashionable to be green, recycle and before global warming became an issue is presidential campaigns. I learned from my grandmother many things about garbage.

I have taken fat and collected it in a jar and then emptied it into an empty suet container and freeze it. I add some black oil sunflower seeds before putting it in the freezer. Two hours later there is a special winter treat for my feathered friends. Sorry Starlings.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Great Story

Thursday, February 7, 2008

An Early Valentine

For God so loV ed the world,

That He gA ve

His onL y

BegottE n


T hat whosoever

Believeth I n Him

Should N ot perish,

But have E verlasting life."

John 3:16

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Long Island Seal

While at Peter Pan yesterday, Mary, the hostess and my neighbor, showed me this picture her kids had taken of a seal that has come to their home. They live out in Mastic Beach. They took it their cell phone- sent it to her phone and she e-mailed it to me at my request. (Ah the technology today!)

While at the Diner, Mike, my nephew, and I enjoyed a good old fashioned diner lunch- Cheeseburger Deluxe, Curly Seasoned fries and a chocolate shake.