This Morning Outback
I just came in from a walk in the yard. It was one of those jaunts where a stop was made every few steps. I even staked up a peony, already with buds.
The periwinkle is in full bloom, a single flower has opened on the Azalea and the irises are in bud. Lucy has worked hard and all the seeds have been planted in the vegetable gardens. It is a sight to behold.
The birds were waiting for me this morning. I walked out and didn't bring the seed and they were landing in feeders after I passed by to get food. I went back and and scooped up some mix and they were happy.
The fish have been fed. The water irises and the blue pickering in the pond is up. A fern that my friend John brought down from New Hampshire has emerged again for its third year. It is time. Spring time and I am drinking in all I can!