Early Morning Walks Outback
Without a doubt the most enjoyable time in my backyard is early in the morning. Before the neighborhood is up I am out there. This morning two daylilies my granddaughter Emma and I hybridized bloomed. One of them is her favorite color - pink! I can't wait to call her later and tell her.
Long Island received severe thunder storms last evening so this morning's jaunt (at 5am) was spent in a little weeding and picking up after the storm. Not much to do, really. The grass is wet and the bird baths and fish pond overflow. The whole yard is well watered thanks to the LORD who sent the rain. The air is clean and fresh. The birds are having lots of fun, enjoying the sunflower seed in the feeder and the sun that is breaking through the clouds.
It is a glorious morning- right in your own backyard! Get out and enjoy it!