Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long Island Spring

Amidst the blooming forsythia and budding weeping willow,
The flowers of crocus and the buds of daffodils,
The sound of the blackbird singing its masterpiece,
The clean crisp air and the hint of much more botanical display,
My soul is renewed and heart filled with praise
to the Maker of all of these treasures

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Rainy Spell

Its raining its pouring... and it is just what we need for some gorgeous blooms later this week. Daffodils are ready to pop open out in my backyard. The pond is getting filled with fresh rain water. The daylilies love this weather and it will mean healthier plants all over. Once again, as with each day of rain the LORD gives- I'm singing in it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rainy Days

Rain in the spring means more flowers are on the way very soon.
Stay tuned!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Its Here! What We Have Been Waiting For!

Of course I am talking about Spring! I took a few hours and dug in the dirt in my backyard today. There is nothing like it! Having the earth in between your fingers. Seeing what has returned from last year. Pulling away dead plants and seeing the new burst forth. The fish in the pond are eating again. They are happy. As I "worked" the birds were singing and getting nests ready for the first brood. A couple of frogs have emerged from their winter retreat and hop in my pond each time I get near. I love this stuff. I have ever since I was a kid. Spring has sprung!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Saint Patty's Day Outback

It is a week from St. Patty's Day. The backyard is popping up with all kinds of growth. Daylilies are sprouting, along with tulips and daffodils. It looks like it will be a big year for the Forget Me Nots. The crocuses and snow drops are budding and blooming. There are Tiger Lilies and Irises as well as Shasta Daisies that are making their appearance. I planted carrot seeds this morning. With the rain headed our way it will shower the yard and pond and aftewards there will be even more growth.
Good things ahead in the yard and in life from the seeds planted... some many years ago!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Surprise in the Cemetery

I had just finished the committal service for a dear saint from our church. For more than 30 years now I have officiated at funerals and burials. As I get older I am more cognizant of the fact that folks live right and finish their lives well. I had been Harriette's pastor for over 25 years.

I bade farewell to her family and was getting ready to return home when a dear friend and fellow pastor appeared walking up to me. George's church is in Rockville Center, mine in Bay Shore. The burial was a Pinelawn. He had just finished a burial there too. Ivan was a man of strength and character. George and I had stood before families we have known a long time and offered them comfort in their losses.

It was a pleasant surprise to see my friends George and Laura Rauchfuss there today. What dear people they are! That happens sometimes- we are doing our work serving the LORD and He blesses us with something like this. In our sorrow He brings blessings.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

I just came in from a walk around the backyard with my nephew, Mike. Spring has begun back there. One of the snow drops now has a bud along with the crocuses. The Canterbury Bells popped up as well as the Primroses. These early spring delights let us know that the growing season is here. The sun is warming the earth and we are not hearing complaints about snow or cold.

Many folks look forward to the warmer temps before declaring spring has arrived. I am an early bloomer when it come to it. I so enjoy the cool temps and the site of things growing. Robins and Red Winged Blackbirds are all around the front and back. Welcome to the Spring!