Friday, May 31, 2013

Death and Life

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Reflections

This was a great Memorial Day Weekend in many ways.

On Friday a friend and I went to the city to retrace Washington's steps from the day he was inaugurated in front of Federal Hall to the prayer service at St. Paul's Church, on the edge of Ground Zero. We saw the Bible President George Washington placed his right hand upon as he took the oath of office. We saw the pavement he stood upon. It was a moving day.

Saturday my grandson, Grayson, was dedicated at the church. How wonderful being with all my family, including my daughters, sons-in-law and my 8 sweet grandkids.

Sunday was a time to reflect on our nation's heritage in church and then to a BBQ with my some family in the afternoon.

On Monday I went to the parade with some more of my family and then to a BBQ afterwards at my daughter's home. We transplanted some things from my garden to theirs. It is cool seeing my daughter's having their own gardens like they did when they grew up and I had one.

Since this blog is about my backyard here is the litany of things I planted this year:
A variety of tomato plants throughout the yard in pots, arugula, mesclun mix, swiss chard, cucumbers, summer squash, cilantro, carrots, potatoes, green onions and garlic.

Now is the time to water and watch it grow.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Signs of the Times (in my backyard)

Over the years several plaques have been given to me which are reflective of my backyard.

Before you enter, on the gate, are the Words of Jesus, "Come to Me all you who are burdened down and you will find rest for your souls." My nephew Stephen carved this out of wood at my request. There is a welcome sign my daughter Tina gave me. On the far side of the yard is a plaque from my daughter Tonya, which says, "This place is for the birds". So true!

John Foster gave me a plaque which says, "An hour spent in the garden puts life problems in perspective." The children of Good Shepherd Nursery School gave me a plaque a few years back with my name on a star. There is one from Edie Raevis that is a quote from the 46th Psalm, "Be still and know that I am God."

The yard is for people to enjoy. Adults and children come to take in this little spot of God's creation, to see the blooms and the birds, to feed the fish and to understand why when God finished He saw it was good, very good.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Here Comes More Rain!

When I hear people complain about the rain I have to smile.

Anyone who has my rain posts here knows I love it. Gardeners look for it to come. It makes our job of tending the things we planted much easier.

We have been getting showers the last few days here on Long Island. This morning I woke up and saw we got a good soaking in the night. This is so good.

While I slept the LORD watered the earth, my yard! I am so grateful! The newly planted tomato plants got a good watering, better than I could have done!

Singing and dancing in the rain!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The First Seedlings

The backyard is loaded with seeds. Cucumber, arugula, summer squash, salad mix of assorted greens, not to mention all the flowers which have been planted including the Daylily seeds from e crosses Emma and I made last summer.

They are all in now. The first ones have begun to break through the earth. It is a glorious sight!
The wonders of God's creation abound everywhere outback. His fingerprints are all over my backyard.

I planted and and have begun to water but it is God Who causes the seed to grow.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Another Beautiful Spring Day

My family in Florida would call it chilly. My friends in the midwest would call it wonderful. It is breezy and cool this morning in the backyard, but the sun is shining, birds are singing their lungs out and the first appearance of growth from the seeds planted a few weeks ago make it just about perfect.

I am sitting by the fish pond/ water garden. In the original version of the Karate Kid, Mr. Miyagi, had a beautiful yard. My oldest daughter and I decided to fashion our yard back in the 1990's after it. Here 20 years later, my grandkids and I are enjoying it.

It is another beautiful spring day here!