Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who We Are... Who We Become

Mistaken identity! I remember when our family moved upstate. The church we went to was getting a new pastor at the same time. I was standing in the back not quite 17 years old when one of the fellows who was looking for the new minister asked me, "Are you our new pastor?" Of course I did have heavy sideburns for a 16 year old - that was in 1973.

As pastor for 30 years now (guess that guy was prophetic!) I have had some interesting stuff happen with identity. Most of the time I get mistaken for a doctor when visiting people in the hospital. One instance comes to mind. I was visiting a person who was in isolation. A young Korean nurse came in and asked if I was a doctor. I said, "No, I am just a a pastor!" Her repsonse made my day and when I am down I recall those words, "JUST A PASTOR!!! Where would we be without you guys in our lives, leading the church, caring like you are doing now?!!! JUST A PASTOR!..." She continued the rant as she left the room and went her next patient.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring is in the Air!

I know there is another month of winter, technically. Actually I will miss it. But the arrival of spring is always welcomed in my backyard.

Signs are showing up. Birds are returning from the south, Little shoots of tiger lilies are popping up, the sun is getting warmer... I know the groundhog told us we will have four more weeks of winter but spring and all that comes with it is definitely near.

Emma and I planted crocuses and tulips this past fall. They will be coming up soon. I always enjoy the opening show of bulbs planted. It is nice to think we'll see them again year after year. Later today, I hope to get some more seeds started inside. It is a great time, an exciting time when spring is around the corner.

Just a taste in a picture from a previous spring here:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Broken People

There has been something bouncing around on my Facebook Page today. It is the subject of broken people, people who have been crushed by life.

C.S. Lewis wrote that a man has to knocked silly before He comes to his senses. Only torture will bring out the truth. Fenelon wrote, "You must lose everything to find God for Himself alone. But you won't lose everything until it is ripped from you. You won't begin to let go of yourself until you have been thrown off a cliff! He takes away to give back to you in a better way."

I don't remember exactly when it was but sometime ago as I listened to a speaker I made this discovery: Only the ones who have had deep pain in their lives are worth listening to. It was quite a moment for me. I have grown in that belief from that moment until now. People who have their hearts broken can comfort like no one else can. They know how to listen. They know the emptiness of words without painful experience so they have ceased to use them.

God's school of brokenness has few enrollees and even fewer graduate. The ones who do are the ones with something to say. Look for them, listen to them and pity those who are trying to say something without that indispensible commodity of heartache and a broken spirit.

Grocery Carts and Life

When I was young I worked in a grocery store. In fatc that is how I paid my way through college. I enjoyed that work.

Grocery carts had to be taken in from time to time. This was before, way before the days where now the fellows doing that work have a motorized cart to pull scores of them in a one time.

Early this morning I went to the store. I always look for carts in the parking lot out of force of habit I guess. Picking one that glided effortlessly thoughts came to my mind. Life is like that sometimes. Everything just glides with little effort. Most of the time it is not like that. We meet resistance and bumpy roads and some unexpected things in the way.

Grocery carts can have a wheel that is not aligned and pushing is difficult. They can need oil on the inside of the wheels and it takes a lot of energy when that is so to make one's way through the store.

Prepare for the difficulties and when they come it will be a bit easier. Assume that life will glide along and you'll be disappointed and frustrated when it doesn't.

Still I did enjoy that effortless cart while I had it this morning!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Weekend Blessings

What a Superbowl last evening! The Saints were superb. Sheriff Peyton Manning laid down the law but it wasn't enough to stop New Orleans.
The weekend was a super one for me. It actually began on Wednesday Evening and Thursday Morning when I led the Bible Studies in Genesis 4. Then during lunch time on Thursday I got to go to my granddaughter's school (where all three of my own daughters attended back in the 80's) and celebrate her birthday. I got to read a few books to the class which I love doing.
Thursday night Emma came and slept over Poppa's and Grandma Lucy's which is always fun. Friday before she went home she planted the first marigold for the spring, Yes it is coming! Jackson came over for a little bit as well. He is such a sweet child. Saturday afternoon was the big celebration in a princess ball just the way Emma designed it to be. Being with my five grandchildren is simply beyond words.
Yesterday I shared from Genesis with my church. It is such a fascinating book. I enjoy my work as a pastor. We announced the beginnings of a new group at our church yesterday- a grieving group which will run for 7 weeks beginning on the last Thursday in this month. OUr hope is to help people through the difficulty of losing someone they love.
This morning after a good night's rest I woke up at 4:45 and will go out for the morning run in a litte bit. The cold air brings back memories of running winter track at Mepham High School. My coach from that time lives 15 minutes away and has been a great provider of Daylilies which adorn this blog and the literal backyard. We will plant about 100 seeds soon of brand new daylilies from last summer's crosses.
After the run I'll go to the church to pray. Lucy will go to her morning patient and I'll come back and begin preparation for this week's Bible Studies and next Sunday's message. At lunchtime my dear friend Rudy will join me (we've been doing this for over 9 years now) for prayer. I try to give myself to the ministry of the Word of God and prayer. That is what pastors are supposed to do.
A few times today I'll stretch by taking a walk through the yard. Some plants are making their way up through the soil! They are the early bloomers. Its amazing how they can grow in the frigid cold but they do.
If you are longing for the warmer temperatures these days (Some of you reeading this will get snow this evening) then go to the archives of this blog, particularly in the months of June, July and August and check out the pictures and videos. It will warm your heart.
I am thankful for my dear family and wonderful friends who make my life so rich. I thank my God every time I remember you! Have a blessed and super Monday!