Wednesday, May 25, 2011


After enjoying a good run this morning I returned for my cool down. This amounts to 2 laps around the parking lot, walking and letting my heart return to its normal beat.

This morning I noticed a large can of Budweiser on the curb by the walkway to the church, then another which had been tossed by one of the gardens. In front of the one by the curb, where obviously someone sat, was a torn up lotto card. Somewhere between 10pm and 5:30 am there was a person sitting there. I don't know who he was. Perhaps you are reading this now and it was you. I would have liked to talk to him.

The stuff we leave behind speaks of our lives. While not always the case, it is true often those who drink alone have a drinking problem. That is actually one of the signs of a problem drinker. The ripped up lotto card tells a lot. I imagine when this person bought it, they were hoping for a large windfall. Their hope disappeared.

Within the building this person was just within a few feet of is a place where hope is offered regularly. In fact we are beginning a grief group there soon and that is what we will center on: Hope. I would have loved to tell this person about hope.

Lonely souls, heart broken people are everywhere. Bad marriages, a loss of a job, the loss of loved ones, the list goes on. People need hope.

I heard that the American Red Cross years ago told how people who drown do so within 25 feet of safety. If you are in need of hope today, read your Bible. It is full of Hope. If you are sailing through life and all is well, don't overlook the hopeless all around you.

The man who sat alone at the steps of the church last night is on my heart this morning and in my prayers. "God, give him Hope today."

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rainy Daze

It has been raining for several days now. People have complained about it. The ones I feel bad for are those who have leaks and roof problems. The rest of us need to realize how valuable this inconvenience is.

The backyard has puddles. The rain has saturated the ground and can longer contain it. Thankfully on Long Island they don't last long at all. We are a virtual sandpit and have very good drainage.

What has happened is that some of the plants have grown like crazy. The Jerusalem Artichokes seem to have lept up about a foot in the past few days. The Chinese Morning Glories are looking so good. Even the vegetable garden has been affected. It is wonderful to see what rain does. While the absence of sun can drag one's spirit down just look at what the rain does and your spirit will soar. When the storm passes you will enjoy the sunshine even more- even if the forecast says it won't be until next week.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Reflections

At the end of this Mother's Day 2011 thoughts arise. I am thankful, so thankful for my Mom. I told her in a number of ways this weekend. However it doesn't seem like enough in light of all she has done for me and my brother and sister.

I watched Leo give his Mom, my wife, a beautiful necklace. What a beautiful gift.

There's more. Having lived in this community for nearly 27 years now I have seen a whole generation of kids ( my own included) grow up and become Moms. Several were on the Little League Teams I coached in the 1980's. Some of those girls are now today's coaches.

This wonderful fact comes to me often: I have seen little girls become young women and then have children of their own. It is quite moving.

While there is a lot wrong in this world there is also a lot right with it. There is always hope when moms love their children the way I am seeing these do. Beginning with my own daughters and branching out across our town I watch with delight the circle of life going on and on. Even at dinner this evening I listened to a couple with plans to get married one day talk about how they want to raise their children when God blesses them with them.

I salute all you young ladies who are wonderful Mom's. It is a Happy Mother's Day for you and as I look it is for me too. God bless each of you as you bring those little ones up with love and care. You are doing a most noble task. You are blessing this Poppa abundantly as I see you carry it out with love and grace.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fresh Cut Grass

I just got back from being away for 3 days. The lawn grew a lot. In the back yard it was so thick that I had to cut it several times, even with the new mulcher.

I was exhausted from the meetings. Going outside on this beautiful spring evening was invigorating. Suddenly I was no longer tired but I was energized. I fed the fish. Then I cleaned off the filter head. It is algae bloom season. The water for the next few days will be a murkey green. Then it will settle down and clear up just with regular changing of the filter head.

It is quite amazing how just like that I went from exhaustion to invigoration. I didn't take any pills or caffiene. I didn't sleep. I just started up the mower and went to work.

I have a good life, one filled with excitement but also one that has it quiet times and even ones like tonight where the therapy was not sleeping but working. I will sleep well tonight, though.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

They Are Back!

This morning I saw three leopard frogs jump into our little fish pond in the backyard. These guys wintered there. Our pond is as natural as it can be. I want our fish and frogs and guests to enjoy it as much as they can. It was a childhood dream of mine to have a pond. That dream finally became a reality when I was 39 years old. We have enjoyed the birds and turtles which have come over the years as well as the toads and other visitors. With grandkids in our lives they too enjoy seeing nature, undisturbed.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A High Compliment

Sixteen years ago this month, when our backyard began the transformation from where volleyball nets were set up and where wiffle ball games and croquet matches took place, we began with a fish pond. Now the yard is a series of gardens including day lilies, vegetables and a water garden. We have several berry patches as well.

I read, as the changes were taking place, that something called "univited guests" would come. We placed fish in the pond but toads, frogs and even box turtles have made appearances. Univited guests are a compliment in the backyard. It shows that there is a safe enviroment for them where they can live or visit before the suburbs displaced their ancestors.

Yesterday I noticed a very young mourning dove on the neighbor's roof. Last evening this little guy found his way to the backyard. It allowed me to get very close and take this picture. It felt safe. After a flight up to the gas grill and then onto the tree where its mothers was waiting, it rested again. It is learning to fly.

Perhaps one of the highest compliments we can be paid in life is what this dove showed me last evening, that people feel safe with us. To know someone trusts you is truly humbling. To be around someone with that is not threatening is wonderful. Perhaps that is why grandkids love grandparents.

I love the univited guests that come to our yard. They teach me. I want my life to be the kind where people feel safe around me.

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