Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Last Day of February

Every spring, when the perennials begin popping up and budding, is an enjoyable walk down Memory Lane, thinking back to when I planted them and looking to Heaven to the LORD Who created them and causes them to grow again.

Yesterday my grandson, Tristan, and I took a walk in my backyard. We came to the pond. The fish were up looking for food. This happens each year at this time. After the months of December and January, when the fish are not fed by us, at the end of February, they emerge to the top. They ate yesterday and we knew that spring is here!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The First Bloom

Some people hate winter. I am not among those who do. I actually love it.

However seeing the first bloom of spring, which is still officially weeks away, made me glad the warmer weather is upon us. Yes, I am fully aware that on Long Island, March can come in lie a lion and go out like a lamb. I do know we could still get snow, but the deep freeze is over, the days are getting longer, the ground is breaking up as the perennials emerge. Spring has sprung. The groundhog was right.

I know it isn't quite here according to most people. Of course I enjoy the gradual. I like the tingle of numbness in my fingertips that comes from working the soil early in spring. I love to watch the birds building nests, using as material the dead grasses I just pulled out of beds outback.

What a wondrous time is spring! I do not want to miss a moment of it!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

On The Way

Seeing that beautiful sunset last evening, the days getting longer, the crocuses up and ready to bloom, the robins around and the daffodils poking through the ground are all signs of that wondrous season called Spring.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ten Years Ago Today

Every kid should have a uncle like my Uncle John. Ten years ago on this day, Valentine's Day, he went to heaven. As I read the posts on Facebook and saw pictures of him my heart mused. The sad part is he is missed greatly. To paraphrase a quote someone gave me in a Grief Group I was leading, "Don't only be sorry it is over. Be glad that it happened."

My faith in the LORD allows me to do both and more. Truth us that I will see him again as will his family. I joked earlier that he will finally get rub it in that he had to wait for hen we all get to heaven.

Among other things my Uncle John was notoriously late. The reasons are varied. When going out he was meticulous about his appearance. His hair was always combed, shoes shined,etc. while at work he loved to talk to people. I know. I used to work with him back in the day. We often would race back from the city to the Island just making it in before the deadline at Loren Schneider, the Wise Potato Chip distributor in Nee Hyde Park.

In some ways it was appropriate he made the journey to heaven on this day, Valentine's. Everyone loved him and he them. That's why we miss him so much. He had enough love to go around and then some! He was one great uncle! He defined for what an uncle should be. It came so naturally too. It was who he was and that is why he will be in my heart until we meet again in heaven. As we hug I bet he whispers in my ear, "Can you believe it Moe?! I finally had to wait for you guys!" We will both share a laugh as we give thanks that the tears are no more and we are together forever!

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Creation

If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in nature and will realize that it is holy and sacred. We will see God reaching out to us in every wind that blows, every sunrise and sunset, every cloud in the sky, every flower that blooms, and every leaf that fades.
-Oswald Chambers

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Nine years ago today something very wonderful happened to me. My first grandchild was born. A week ago, my 8th one came into the world.

Emma made me Poppa. I love being a dad. I am the fun uncle. I really have had a great life. I cherish all the moments of my daughters growing up, even though I know I could have done much better now, particularly in the area of patience. Interesting what life does to us.

I love the memories with my nieces and nephews, but alas they are all grown up now. Emma came at a perfect time. Like my dad, I love being with kids. They do good things for my heart. I noticed recently that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, corrected the Disciples but never had to do either with the children. On the contrary He set them as examples. He still does. I often wonder what the LORD thinks about the overdoses in His Church, the current one being "leadership." But I digress.

Emma is growing up. I thought of that as I held Arianna for the first time last week and when Maddie climbed into my lap to eat her breakfast this morning. I am thankful she still loves to go out to eat with me and that I get to be the assistant coach of her Little League team again this year. But she is growing up. She used to have her birthday cards read to her. This morning she carefully read the one I made for her.

Yet she still is a kid! With the promise of a major snow storm coming tomorrow she and I were already making plans of romping in it.

God has been good to keep kids in my life. He knows I am and always will be a kid at heart!