Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Peace In The Storm

The east coast is watching hurricane warnings come in. Suddenly my return trip to New York Friday may be effected. Only God knows the path of this storm. I will watch and wait. Sometimes that is all we can do with storms that come.

Here in Southern Central Florida my cousins continue to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. God is with us and He is helping us.

God gives peace in the storms we face. His Word, praying to Him, being around people who love Him brings peace, if not immediately, eventually.

How many times we have waited out storms! In the northeast snow can slow us down and stop at times. The wisest thing to do when snow is falling and the wind is blowing is to stay put. When the rain and wind are blowing and beating against us God is our shelter in the time of storm.

Watching to see what a storm is going to do requires patience. That is all I can do now with Hurricane Earl. That is all we can do at times in life: Watch and wait.

David prayed in Pslam 57.1 I will take refuge in the shadows of Your Wings until the disaster has passed. Good advice for souls that are troubled this day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The LORD Is With Us In Our Times Of Sorrow

I am here in southern Florida for a family funeral we had yesterday. Chris, my cousin's son, passed suddenly, at the young age of 23. Our family is in shock.

On the flight down I was reading Psalm 50 through 70. This is section of scripture that brings comfort in time of loss and pain. Psalm 55.22 seemed to jump off the page at me, "Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you." I had just written it my journal yesterday morning when Lori, my cousin, showed me a promise box which belonged to our Nana. She left this earth for heaven 22 years ago. Lori kept it in her house afterwards. One night in a time of great need the box fell on the floor and a card popped out. On it was this verse Psalm 55.22. She had left this card up so she could read it ever since. I showed what I just written down and how I felt. Like children discovering some hidden treasures in their grandparents attic we looked in awe toward heaven and began a long difficult day knowing God is still answering our Nana's prayers and keeping His promises. A hug from heaven is one of the most wonderful things on earth, to be touched by Eternity!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weeds or Blooms- What Do you See?

A Garden is a lot like life. We have cherries and we have the pits in life. I love that book by Erma Bombeck from years ago, "If Life is a Bowl of Cherries Then What Am I Doing Down Here in the Pits?" The man who gave it to me had both legs amputated and was confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life. He didn't stay in the pits. I have a whole file filled of letters he wrote to me over the years. He looked at things with faith in God. He was a mentor to me.

People come to my yard. Most see the flowers, the beauty, the pond and fish and the birds. Some people comment on my weeds. Like with every organic garden they are a problem here too. There is simply not enough free time to pick them all. I do my best. The comments merited a sign that hangs out there among others: Free Weeds- Pick All you Want!

If I am not careful I can see the weeds in life, the pits and miss the blooms and sweet fruit. If I am tired my vision gets blurred. If I hold resentment I can become oblivious to the blessings even when they are starring us in the face.

The weeds will always be there. Pull them out when you can but don't forget to first enjoy the beauty of what is among them and keep on enjoying it even as you deal with the weeds and the pits.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I like to stop and reflect once in a while. I am doing this right now. Over the past two days I have been at a wedding and an engagement party of young people who are part of my life. It has been grand. First I am honored they included me in their celebrations. Watching them has been very good for my soul. Seeing couples begin new chapters in their lives is very rewarding. Seeing marriage honored is a blessing.

When I came home from both events our dog, Moe, was there to greet me. In the quietness of the house and hour I think back. My life has been rich, not without its troubles but overall very very good.

I have been with friends at events and on Facebook and e-mail today. They are good for my heart. I am thankful for them.

A heart at peace is a gift from God.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It All Began In A Garden

My dear wife and I are heading to a wedding in a little bit. We will hear a dear couple recite their vows. Then a big celebration will ensue. Each time I am at a wedding I am reminded of how it all began in the Garden of Eden.

God saw Adam was alone. He made Eve. Together they lived in the garden. Some of the marriage ritual comes from that account in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. So 6,000 years later the tradition will be repeated. A man will leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two will become one flesh. What a wonderful profound mystery!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thanksgiving Is Not Just A November Holiday

My groceries had just been checked. I bagged them. The cashier gave me my change. Then she proceeded to the next order. I said, "Thank You." She said, "No problem."

We have lost the art of saying thank you! In case you are younger than me, you may not understand. Back in the day saying "thank you" was proper. I worked in a grocery store years ago. We always said "thank you" to customers. How the times have changed! It isn't just in retail it is in all of life. The ingratitude is astonishing and in a nation above all others where we have the most to be thankful for!

The trouble is we have almost become used to it now. Well almost. This article shows that it still troubles some of us. Your comments will tell if it bothers you. And if you don't comment your thoughts will for sure.

How about some old fashioned (always in vogue) thanks. You can begin with the family you grew up in and the schools you attended.How about all the people who have helped you this day! Police, firemen stand ready to assist you. Waitresses, busboys, the dry cleaner, the person who does your nails all deserve thanks. How about your neighbors? Got good ones? Tell them! We are quick to complain if we don't.

I need this talk too. I complain about the crazy drivers out there and forget that most of the countries I have visited the people do not even have cars! We are spoiled in the land we live in- very spoiled!

Thanksgiving is not just a holiday in November ( btw it is a holy day- just check out the roots of it!)

If you are reading this you have access to a computer. Have you ever thought about being thankful for the technology we have today? It makes life a lot easier. Just take the weather for example. Back in the day if you wanted to know the weather you waited patiently fir it to come on the radio or TV. If you missed it- too bad. Today we can rewind our DVR, go to weather.com or check some place on our mobile device.

I don't mean for this to be so negative, although there is a time to be angry.

There is also much to be thankful for... a whole lot. Food, clothing, so many conveniences. Think about the sick here in the USA. They are given the best health care in the world! How about all the entertainment available? It is beyond imagination. Think of the state and national parks. I live near two. I went to one the other evening, drove in, parked my car and walked along the Atlantic Ocean. Since it was evening I didn't have to pay, I walked along a clean beach. I washed the sand off my feet with water provided by the park systems. I saw the trash pick up crew at work. I left feeling refreshed in body and soul.

This post could go on and on and one. Suffice it to say that I imagine you have more than you know- much more if you will just take the time and look around. We have so much to be thankful for and we ought to express it often.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Water Garden That Gives So Much Enjoyment

Backyard ponds are so enjoyable. I have had mine in for 15 years now. The fish know me (of course I am the one who feeds them), the birds come for drinks and recently a toad raised a brood back there. Our yard now is overflowing with the little guys- and they help keep the insect population down.

It is fun to have a pond- not a great deal of work once it is in and something that gives years of pleasure. You can search this blog by putting in "Pond" "Fish" or Water Garden". There are videos and pictures here. My You Tube site also has video of it as well as facebook. Enjoy!