The wonder of watching seeds pop up through the soil, not only the ones I bought but the ones I saved from last year, is amazing to me. I will never get over the beautiful way God made this earth sustainable for us. It is wonderful!
This blog is built around the theme of my literal backyard but goes beyond the fence and all around the world and into space and eternity which God has placed in the hearts of men.
The wonder of watching seeds pop up through the soil, not only the ones I bought but the ones I saved from last year, is amazing to me. I will never get over the beautiful way God made this earth sustainable for us. It is wonderful!
One of the challenging things about gardening is developing patience. Waiting for seeds to pop through the soil, waiting for that first blossom on the tomato vine, waiting for that first blossom to drop and for the first tomato to appear can seem like it is taking forever.
80 years ago this Memorial Day weekend an ice cream man here in the Metro New York Area was selling ice cream out of his truck. His truck got a flat tire. He ended up in the parking lot of a pottery shop. The owner of the shop allowed him to use the electricity from his store so he opened his parked truck for business. For two days he sold the melting ice cream to vacationers driving by until he ran out.
His name was Athanassios Karvelas, a Greek Immigrant. But you may know him better by his Americanized name "Tom Carvel".
80 years ago this weekend, Carvel Ice Cream had its start (from a flat tire!)
What a great feeling after having planted 18 tomato plants to sit in the backyard with a cold glass of ice water and take in God's Amazing Creation.
I went out to do some watering this morning and there in the freshly planted cucumber bed was a toad! Love these uninvited guests!
For years I tried to transplant ferns to my pond. A number of years ago my friend and fellow gardener, John Foster, brought some ferns down from northern New Hampshire. They are up again this spring and add so much to the landscape in the shaded part of the water garden. They are a reminder of friendship and how God renews the earth after winter.
The early morning is one of my favorite times for being out back in my yard. As a song says, "The dew is still on the roses."
How thankful I am for the sunshine. It touches my soul. It produces Vitamin D. It warms the earth, lights the day and lets me see the fish in my pond like no artificial light could possibly do.
I came home from a full day with family this evening.
Rain followed by sun and warmer spring like temperatures result in lots of growth! That's what is happening out back right now.