Monday, March 31, 2008

One of my Dad's Famous Stories

My dad went to a private Christian School in New Jersey. He has some wild tales of his youth from those days. Here is one.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lili Feeding

For 10 years now I have been bringing new Daylilies into the backyard, thanks to Paul Limmer, my cross country and track coach from High School. He is retired from teaching and has become the a hybridizer of these beauties for a day. Come over during the first two weeks in July and see the show. There is nothing like it on earth! Literally! This year some of the ones I have crossed will bloom. No other place on the planet has them. So come and enjoy! Like eternal life it is free!

Having said all that, there are two very special flowers in my life that are not worth comparing with the Daylilies. They are Emma Rose and Lilianna, my grandchildren.
How sweet they both are!

And now....
A Lili feeding time...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Isn't This Good?!

Prayer for Peace

Lord,make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt,faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness,light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it isin giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

I just received this in an e-mail from my dear friend Cliff.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ah Grandchildren!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Outback This Evening

Next Generation Visit and Garden Tour

I had a surprise visit from the staff of Next Generation. Next Generation is a radio program on WNYG 1440 here on Long Island. (You can also listen on line!) If you go to the archives of January 15, 2008 you will see the post describing the show in detail. Joining the staff of Rudy, Jacob and Gary was Rudy Sr and Matthew his son.

It was my privilege to give them a quick tour of the garden. Things are getting green and we do have the crocuses blooming.

They are a great bunch of guys. My dear friend Rudy Sr. had the vision for the program and it is wonderful to see it come about! Give a listen to it.

The backyard is now officially open for visitors! The fish are up and the yard is full of birds. We already have some families in the houses. From here on lots will be happening!

I hope to see you soon!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Look what the LORD gave us today!

Emma and I planted it last fall.
(Be sure to click on it to enlarge)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is Here!

Spring has sprung as the old saying goes.

But there is nothing old about the spring. Everything is showing life. The earth is getting ready to blossom and bloom. At the pond this morning were the goldfish all up and gently swimming around.

What a wondrous time is spring!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tomorrow - SPRING!!!

Tomorrow will bring spring! -Its first day anyway. Here on Long Island this year I got the snow shovel out once or twice so I am certainly not complaining. It has been a very mild winter. I don't think the fish pond in the backyard ever froze completely. But tomorrow is spring. I have already had crocuses bloom. The daffodils have buds now and the tulips are coming along. The day lilies are shooting up as well as other perennials. As you can see the fish are active and eating. The robins are back.

Everything is ready for spring to get into full swing!

Everything and everybody including me!

Let's go!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Til the storm Passes Over

More Video of the Red Winged Blackbirds Return

More of our daily early spring time visitors

First Transplant of the Spring

Yesterday I moved several silver dollar seedlings around all around the backyard.

I first spotted these beauties a number of years ago. They were over by the church, growing wild. I dug some up and tried transplanting them. They died shortly after. Finally I consulted an expert gardener. Margot told me to collect the seeds (and even gave me some) and said, "Plant them in the fall where you want to them to come up. They won't bloom the first year but the second year, you'll have beautiful flowers." She was right. These early spring blooms do much to the green that appears before the normal blooms and blossoms appear.

Transplanting is a fact of life in the garden as well as outside it. God transplanted Abraham from the comfort of his home and family to a place where He would show him- ended up being the Promised Land and it was named after Abraham's grandson. Joseph was transplanted from the Promises Land to Egypt and many lives were saved through this whole thing. David was transplanted from the field watching his father Jesse's sheep to the palace. The New Testament is full of transplants. Jesus died on the cross for the greatest transplant- to take us from belonging to hell to a home in heaven by a heart transplant- that from a stony heart to a heart filled with His Spirit.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Goldfish Spring Awakening

When I grew up in Bellmore, our neighbors Helmut and Hildagard Weiss had a fish pond. This is a long time before they became known as water gardens. He was a mason. He built himself. I used to love to see it over the fence.

Then after Tonya, my daughter, and I saw the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi's water gardens we decided to put one in ourselves. Here now in its 13th year is our pond and this morning the spring awakening of the goldies.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Remember This Song?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jesus in The Garden

I grew up with this picture.

It is part of the stained glass of the Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene, in Queens, New York. Here my dad and mom were married. My grandparents and aunt and uncle were part of the church as well. I remember as a little kid seeing that awesome depiction of our LORD in the Garden of Gethsemane each week.

My mom and dad had it in our home. I remember seeing this and thinking of Jesus and his great love for us.

I have gone to the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem a number of times. It is a very quiet place. The place of the olive press, or where olives are crushed, here at the foot of the Mount of olives Jesus was crushed as He prayed and willing, lovingly submitted to the will of the Father.

This Holy Week take some time for Him and you to be alone,
perhaps in a Garden.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Return of the Red Winged Blackbirds

Very Early Spring Backyard Tour

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Dad, My Hero

After church today I found myself telling someone a story my dad.

It was July 4, 1967. We had worked out in the yard that Fourth. Imagine that! Making kids work! My dad knew nothing about the child labor laws. looking back now I am so glad he didn't! Some of the best times through the years came from working together on stuff.

In the afternoon the neighborhood boys all started rounding kids up for a ball game. We played on Martin Avenue in Bellmore in a sandlot which was the parking area of the Presbyterian Church.

My dad said, "If you want I can umpire the game and I'll pitch for both sides." We drove down to the field. The kids jumped on it! We never had an umpire for our games. This would eliminate all the do overs! That day that lot became my field of dreams. We played 9 innings in the scorching sun. Dad pitched all of them! He even had some close plays to call, but no one argued. It was a great time.

From that time on I had the idea, which was right on, that I was blessed with one unusual father. While the rest of the dads sat under their umbrellas with a beer or some other drink, my dad was out there with his sons, playing.

I could go on but this one incident stays with me now over 40 years later.

Thanks Dad for being the greatest dad I could ever have!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring Clean Up

Spring clean up will have to wait for a little for my yard. I am still not quite up to par. This afternoon I went out in the yard with Moe, my faithful companion. He and I walked around and I noticed my neighbor out cleaning up. I walked over to her yard. I told her I was jealous, that we had been sick and we were still not able to do what she was doing. I love working out there. She said, "I thought you guys had gone away or something. I had not seen any activity around the house."

As soon as I feel better I am heading out for a little yard work. I have some Daylily seedlings all ready started inside. It is spring time! The red winged black birds are back. The robins too. The snow drops are blooming. The daffodils are up a few inches and much much more is to come!